2 thoughts on “The Effects of Seeing Asian-Americans as a ‘Model Minority’”

  1. I have always wondered, after discussions about assimilation, whether if the term and practice of viewing Asians as the “model minority” is the step towards categorizing Asians as white. If this is a possibility, how do we expect Asian-Americans to feel, especially in regards to their cultural heritage?

  2. It’s interesting to think that the moniker “model minority” brings Asian identity closer to whiteness. My initial thought is that while it raises the reputation of the Asian Americans as orderly, wealthy, highly educated, professional, and otherwise able to emulate the successes associated with whiteness, the use of the term “minority” still emphasizes the population’s otherness.

    I also wanted to bring your attention to a photo series (posted today) titled “The Model Minority Reality” which challenges the stereotype as damaging to the Asian-American community. The series focuses on the low income and immigrant Asian community in New York City, a community that continually encounters racism and exploitation. By idealizing the experience of Asian Americans, the “model minority” stereotype downplays the struggles of the individuals within the community.

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