Take this Racism Test…

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Until we better understand how to actually reduce innate bias, the best we can do is try to ensure our prejudices affect our decisions as little as possible, Greenwald says. For instance, he says, “blind auditions for musicians can work really well.” And taking the names off resumes can help ensure that hiring managers don’t choose candidates based on gender or race.

“Until our culture changes to the point where we don’t have these negative ideas about certain groups,” Greenwald says, “it may be that our implicit biases are probably here to stay.”


Take this test to see how racist or homophobic you might be. This article addresses the ways in which some of us are more racist then we might think. By uncovering these biases, scientists have looked for ways to minimize our biases as a means to help end or aid in the end of racism. So far tackling the problem while we are sleeping seems to be the most helpful.

PHOTOS: The Model Minority Reality, by Cynthia Trinh

“This photo essay portrays Asian Americans working in low-wage service jobs. Asian Americans are often stereotyped to be the “model minority” because they are viewed as highly educated and hold professional jobs. However, this is not true for many Asian Americans working as street vendors, nail salon workers, store clerks, cooks, and more. This photo essay aims to combat the stereotype that Asians are the “model minority” and also shows the tenacity, hard work, and struggle of an immigrant population to survive in a big city.”

Click here.

This photo series has been featured in popular media, including .Mic, The New York Daily News, and Angry Asian Man.

COMIC: White Privilege, Explained

White privilege can be a tricky thing for people to wrap their heads around. If you’ve ever called out white privilege before, chances are you’ve heard responses like “But I’m didn’t ask to be born white!” or “You’re being reverse racist.”

The next time that happens, just show the nay-sayer this succinct comic by Jamie Kapp explaining what white privilege is — and what it isn’t.

Click through for the full comic!