Mass of the Model

The construction of the mass model from chipboard enabled me to take the ideas about figure-field composition from the indexical diagram and generate a three-dimensional version . This allowed me to develop my spacial awareness and technical skill.

My mass is created from six interlocking bars of different sizes and curved edges. The massing is grouped and follows one axis. It lays on one plane varying slightly. Some of the bars hover while others intersect with the ground.

The mass hovers over the two voids creating an interstitial space. A bar also intersects the ground forming a flushed surface. The other bars either hover or sit on top of the ground. When the mass bars meet the flat-ground it allows an approach and entry way into the building. The entryway is perpendicular to the horizontal bars.

The horizontal bars of the massing create linear interiors that run parallel from each other. There are several places the bars intersect creating large interior communal spaces. The rest of the spaces are organized by a long corridor with separated rooms on the same axis.

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