
In the next three months I will be documenting my progress from Jean Jaminet’s Architectural Studio: Precedents of Domesticity . I will provide step by step explanations and details on my creative and architectural processes he guides us in.  I will also share what I have learned and discovered as a student.

I will be analyzing the significant changes that occurred throughout the 20th century. I will be exploring not only social and technological changes, but also the characteristics that define a modern space. In the next semester I will be asked to transform one of Marcel Breuer’s existing houses using spacial ordering systems, analysis, and creative freedom. I will be tested to push the boundaries of domesticity and hope to document the process. I will also include extra structures that relate, but are outside my project, that fascinated or inspired me.

My first project is a group research presentation about the post modernist movement introduced by Robert Venturi in his Complexity’s and Contradictions in Architecture. This provides the context and tools in which I can analyze and eventually transform these ideas.

Venturi’s Complexity and Contradictions in Architecture Research Project

Analysis and Architectural Studio Project 

Summary and Reflection

Written and Created by Nicole De Araujo