The handwriting on two objects for labeling purposes in the collection matches Emma’s handwriting. This is supported by the letters and notes written by Emma during her time at Mount Holyoke, archived at the library. Using the information written on some of the works in the collection, it is easy to match her routes to Europe and the Middle East as documented to the locations of her works’ origins and where she acquired them. The labeling system by Emma verifies her collection as her own (there is no room for doubt).
Fun fact: this is one of the works that stood out from the rest of the collection; as you can see, compared to the rest of the works collected, which are labeled as “MH 1936.21.C.B” (1936 being the year of acquisition), the pot is supposedly acquired in 1997 when Emma had already been no longer part of this world for 71 years.
(Information extracted from Emily Wazlak’s paper on Emma Dickinson)