Title “Snacks”
My artwork of week 2, project chromatic abstraction; reflect my love for food, it is different snacks scattered on a blue background. My color inventory is inspired from “The Scream” a painting by a Norwegian painter Edvard Munch. I picked this painting because the title relates to my title “the hunger scream!” I also liked the color inventory it is warm and cozy, and they are a combination of color that I would not use normally. By choosing the scream as my favorite painting to drive my new painting color atmosphere; I tried to go out of my comfort zone as an artist to pick new colors to work with because that will help me grow a wider view of shades of color to use in the future. I used different textures in my painting to mimic the actual snacks surfaces, and to give it dimensions. Even though I used new shades of colors to work with I ended up loving the result of the Snacks painting.
Past, Present, and Future
Past, Present, and future visualizes issues of identity of the artist in the past time, present time, and in the future within our world. The artist use still life object materials to represent an area of time such as an elephant representing the ancestry identity( India) of the artist which is the past time, and a camel representing the citizenship(Saudi Arabia) of the artist which is the present time, and a lava lamp which represent the future of the artist ( United State of America) to communicate the concept of evolving and self-actualization and a sense of identity. The elephant soft blending brush technique represents the happy innocent feeling of there is always hope for a better future. The Camal rough brush technique reveals my feelings of the present time about struggling in this Covid- 19 time with school becoming online, no human interaction, no job, and just adjusting to it all. The picked the color to emphasize there is hope with the light pink color, and to show strength with the bold red color.
Inside World
Inside world as depicted by the artist Hanan Khan is a large window within it 4 small windows to the world of the present time; window one in the place of peace, meditation, rest, and sleep Her own bedroom. Window two is a place to connect with roommates, chat, chill, and watch TV it is her living room. Window three shows where schoolwork take place a laptop with Zoom open on it, this room is her studio as well. The last window is the home gym room where the artist relieves her stress and practice mindfulness yoga, and kick boxing in it. The border of the large window divides the 4 windows in unproportionable 4 section for 2 reasons: 1- to indicate that they are separate rooms. 2- to indicate an unequal time spent in each room. The small windows have different zoomed in portion of the rooms to play with the viewer perspective. The colors are 90% accurate to the reality of the rooms: brown, black, green, and blue. 10% was added neon colors in the light and background to make a connection between the rooms. The house that was painted as old wood walls, windows frames, and floors there is texture made with the palette knife to mimic the wood texture.
The inspiration for this painting is the long-distance present reality. And being at home body, mind, and spirit coordinating life distance from human contact because of covid-19. Make your own world and life on and prosper. Staying healthy and self-care. All are adaptation to the new NOW.
Where we are at: Into the Unknown
Time is an essential assent of human existence That is why there is different type of time monitoring devises(watches) each of the resemble a meaning alone with the attached object. The horse’s carousel and the hand watch on top of it resemble us in our current everyday routine; time keeps going and we are keep going, and do whatever new need to do. But for most of us we are stuck in one place doing everything from home: work, school, gym, and everything else. The bear resembles the individuals nowadays sad and wearing a face mask and the closed pocket watch resemble that currently we have no idea what will happen in the future. Finally, The wall Clock resemble the time in the entire world which is also keep going. The whole world currently trying to push though Covid-19 and survive one way on another. I picked the color to resemble the area we are in Covid19 they always illustrate the virus in a green color.