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Yue Opera’s Ability to Cater to My Taste

Yue Opera’s Ability to Cater to My Taste

Loriya Thao

As a female and modern reader/audience, there are several aspects of Yue Opera that are able to cater to my taste and some aspects that don’t. This being my first interaction with Yue Opera, the aspect that stood out to me right away was the fact that Yue Opera is an all-female cast. The actors’ portrayal of the male leads was so convincing that there were times where I would need to remind myself that “hey, this is a female playing a male”. Another aspect of Yue Opera that I found really interesting was the different styles of singing that the actresses use. Their ability to sing so effortlessly at such a high range and sustain that sound as well as the technique that they use to produce that sound is very mesmerizing. One aspect that doesn’t really cater to me is the fact that the story is always about such idealistic people, which I guess is part of the appeal to the audiences, but I don’t think it’s able to cater to me because all the characters are so idealistic that it’s hard for me to connect with them. Overall, the empowerment of women that Yue Opera promotes is unique and probably why it is still popular in today’s society.

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