Week 5 Takeaways (optional)—Tues&Weds

2 responses to “Week 5 Takeaways (optional)—Tues&Weds”

  1. Going into the workshop process – and still, now – I’ve been thinking about a workshop/critique approach a friend of mine was taught to use where the critics/reviewers/readers use NO evaluative statements in their critiques. For example: not “I loved your use of adjectives,” but “you make frequent use of adjectives.” I honestly think even trying this approach would take a lot of practice on my part – and I also don’t necessarily think it’s bad to give people praise, especially, on a piece of work. Early in the year I attended an event where a professor said that they attended grad school, more or less because they needed to feel legitimized as a writer. At the time, I was put off, but in the aftermath of this series of workshops, I’ve come to re-realize that there’s nothing wrong with needing external validation – and that this need is common. As good as it is to be able to validate your own work & identity as a creative, help from the outside can be appreciated. I’ve also been meaning to revisit the workshop protocols I used last year in a class, taken from Felicia Rose Chavez’s “The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: How to Decolonize The Creative Classroom.” My memory is very poor, but I know I appreciated the structure presented in this book enough to pass on the excerpt I was given to multiple people… anyway, I’ll be digging through my files to try and find the PDF.

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