Character Interview (Tues)

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  1. 1. Kit always had chipped nail polish, either black or sparkly purple. 2. A long scar stretches above Kit’s left knee from falling off her bike. She calls it her worm. 3. Kit’s favorite ice cream flavor was a tie between cookie dough and rocky road. 4. That’s why she named her cat Rocky. 5. Kit has a raspy voice with a slight lisp. 6. Kit loved the burning feeling of taking shots, and chased them with a juice box every time. 7. Her alcohol of choice was tequila, but she would settle for cheap crappy vodka. A shot’s a shot to Kit. 8. Kit’s biggest fear is brain eating amoeba in the lake her and her friends skinny dip in. 9. But Kit enjoys swimming more, and the free feeling of skinny dipping. 10. Kit is short for Katherine, but she started going by kid as a girl because she was a tomboy. 11. As a kid, Kit wanted to be a geologist. 12. Now Kit dreams of being a poet. 13. Kit loves to sew, and alters her clothes to fit tighter. 14. Kit pierced her own ears and the blood gushed for 10 minutes. 15. Kit doodles a dog she calls Earl. 16. Kit was born on the hottest day of the summer in July, in the humid south. 17. She is the youngest of four children, with two sisters and a brother. 18. Kit’s first crush was Henry Bennington, in kindergarten. 19. He was her crush until the eighth grade. 20. She had her first kiss at summer camp when she was 13, and she realized she didn’t really like the taste of boys. 21. She had her first kiss with a girl at 16 and it felt like the soft peaches she would pick in her Grandparent’s orchard in the summer. 22. Kit loves reality TV, especially Jersey Shore and Dance Moms. 23. Kit’s celebrity crush is Willem Davoe. 24. Kit wears a lot of stone silver rings. 25. If she was a shape, Kit would be a star. 26. Kit’s hair is a mousey brown, and she always has bangs. She dyed it black in a fit of rebellion. 27. Kit has an eyebrow piercing. 28. For breakfast, Kit has two eggs over easy, 3 slices of bacon, orange juice, and grapes. 29. Kit always keeps a pencil eyeliner with her, and has smokey eyes. 30. Kit loves eating canned sardines. It’s her guilty pleasure. 31. Kit is addicted to drinking juice and nicotine. 32. Kit’s family loves God. 33. Kit is not sure if she believes in God. 34. Kit drinks a lot of redbull when she stays up late writing an essay last minute. 35. Kit wears uggs and denim shorts. 36. Kit has a weird fascination with the history of the Soviet Union. 37. Kit has a coral tank top she wears to make her green eyes pop. 38. But she also says it “gives her a rack”. 39. Kit wants to live in an old Victorian house when she’s older, but she’s also skeptical of ghosts. 40. Kit fell in love with Dani when they were 19. 41. She kept her crush on Dani a secret for over a year, because Dani had a boyfriend. 42. Kit’s biggest desire is to be loved. 43. Kit’s jobs include: pizza place, cashier at CVS, and waitress at the local diner. 44. Kit met Brigid on the first week of college at the campus cafe, and they’ve been best friends ever since. 45. Kit’s favorite weather is rain. 46. Kit gets bad hangovers, and has to wear sunglasses all of the next day. 47. When Kit is drunk, she dances poorly on the dance floor. Sometimes she is a sad drunk. 48. Kit has a gap between her two front teeth because she stopped wearing her retainer at 15. 49. Kit’s favorite animal is a shark or a racoon. 50. Kit’s favorite holidays are Halloween and St Patrick’s Day, for the parties, of course. 51. Kit’s favorite monster is a zombie. 52. Kit’s signature scent is Victoria Secret Love Spell. 52. She stole it from the mall in her tote bag. 53. Kit’s favorite pizza is Hawaiian, which everyone gives her shit for. 54. Kit’s favorite TV show is Breaking Bad. 55. Kit goes to bed way late, at around 2 am. This is why she can’t take any classes before 10 am. 56. Kit wears a mood necklace. It is usually a pink/purple shade. Lust. 57. Kit’s favorite soda is Orange Crush. 58. Kit bikes or skates around, as well as roller skates. 59. Kit plays roller derby on the weekends at the roller skate rink. 60. Kit wears glasses when she’s not wearing her contacts, usually when she’s not all dressed up. 61. Kit has freckles that explode in the summer. 62. Kit always keeps a rose quartz stone with her. 63. Kit’s favorite place is a rocky beach by the ocean. 64. When Kit sees the sunset at the beach, she thinks of Dani’s orange hair. 65. Kit wears a pair of beat up black converse, that she wrote a drew all over. 66. Dani signed her name on the left tongue. 67. Kit doesn’t shave. 68. Freshman year, Kit drunkenly climbed a tree and fell out of it, and had a hot pink cast that everyone signed. 69. Kit loves rock concerts and always tries to start a mosh pit, as a bit. 70. Kit loves to wear ties, and calls herself “Gentleman Kit”. 71. Kit wants to live in Brooklyn, but is stuck in the middle of nowhere. 72. Kit has road rage and flips off asshole men. 73. Kit keeps a hot pink lighter with pictures of kittens on it with her at all times. 74. Kit has a deep fear that her life is going nowhere, and nobody will ever read her writing. 75. Kit doesn’t like to show her weaknesses, and bottles up her negative emotions. 76. Kit wants to be seen as a fun party girl. 77. Kit feels a bit of an identity crisis of who she is without all the partying. 78. Kit’s older siblings are successful as lawyers and doctors, and Kit’s parents view her as the disappointed parent. 79. Sometimes Kit thinks about being an elementary school art teacher. 80. Kit’s favorite song is “Paper Bag” by Fiona Apple. 81. Kit is usually confrontational and direct, except for with her feelings for Dani. 82. Kit is saving money to go to Budapest. 83. Kit loves romcoms, and she imagines herself being loved by the pretty girl. 84. Her favorite romcom is “When Harry Met Sally”. 84. Kit’s favorite book is “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath. 85. Kit’s favorite color is fuschia, or the orange of Dani’s hair. 86. Kit always has an apple with her as a snack. 87. Her favorite apple is a granny smith. 88. Kit wanted to stop going to church in highschool, and it caused a big rift between her and her parents. 89. The first time Kit took a bong rip she had a coughing fit. 90. She was embarrassed about it, because it ruined her cool girl persona. 91. Kit was hooking up with a girl she waitressed with, but it was never an official thing. 92. That was by Kit’s decision actually; she kinda has commitment issues. It’s because she can’t get over Dani. 93. Kit plays drums, and slams on them. 94. She has the nickname “Animal” because of her drum playing, as well as her party animal reputation. 95. Kit reads a lot of feminist theory. 96. Kit’s favorite article of clothing is a tube top, or a pretty summer dress. 97. Kit always has hot pink bandaids on her knees from skateboarding. 98. Kit’s favorite movie is “Juno”. 99. Kit failed her driving test the first time, but then passed the second. She is a bit of a reckless driver, and has a tendency to speed. 100. Kit’s goal was to stop being such a weenie, and tell Dani how she feels. But she would have to take a shot first. Liquid courage.

  2. 1. She has brown hair
    2. She has Brown eyes
    3.She has Shoulder length hair
    4. She has wavy hair
    5. She always wanted a better color hair, not boring brown
    6. She is 5’3
    7. She is 14 years old
    8. She is two inches shorter than her mother
    9. She has cute chubby cheeks with dimples
    10. She had braces for two years from age 11-13
    11. She likes Likes to wear baggy sweatshirts and loose-fitting clothes (her mother hates it)
    12. She just got into some new bands, she loves listening to music
    13. She is about to enter high school
    14. She had some friends in middle school but she feels like she is not really similar to them and they like each other more than they like her
    15. She lives in Buffalo NY
    16. Her grandmother lives in Utica NY
    17. Her favorite color is purple, dark purple
    18. Her favorite animal is a snake
    19. She has always wanted a dog or a cat but her mom said they were too messy
    20. Her birthday is June 15. She was at her grandmother’s house when it happened. Her parents didn’t even write her a note
    21. She has a dad, but he works all the time
    22. He cares for her but her relationship with her mom has made their relationship strained because he chooses his wife’s side over hers whenever they fight
    23. She has been to Canada a few times because she is so close to the border but she has never been on a plane
    24. She has always dreamed of moving somewhere you have to take a plane to get to
    25. Her favorite subject in school is English
    26. She likes writing
    27. She likes learning, although she wouldn’t say she is the smartest person
    28. Math is definitely her weakest subject
    29. She is not very good at sports
    30. She was a shy kid who struggled to make friends
    31. She made a few friends at the beginning of elementary school but they moved away when Cat was in 5th grade
    32. Everyone calls her Cat, except her mother and grandmother
    33. Her mom thinks that she shouldn’t be called an animal’s name
    34. Her full name is Kathline Grace Hillyardson
    35. She doesn’t like her name
    36. She is left-handed
    37. She is an only child
    38. She had a lot of imaginary friends when she was little
    39. The neighborhood kids made fun of her for it
    40. She wants to be a flight attendant when she grows up
    41. She wants to see the world
    42. She is afraid of disappointing people
    43. She is afraid of heights
    44. She almost drowned once as a kid and is now afraid to go swimming
    45. Her dad is a salesman
    46. She doesn’t know what he sells, however many times she asks
    47. She was never allowed to put stuff up on her walls as a kid
    48. Her parents say they are Christian but they only go to church on holidays
    49. She loves cookies but her mom doesn’t let junk food in the house
    50. She loves playing outside
    51. She loved climbing trees as a kid, although her mom didn’t like it
    52. She looks like her mom
    53. No one tells her she looks like her Dad
    54. She wonders why her parents got married
    55. She has never liked a boy
    56. Sometimes she wonders if she is a lesbian
    57. She is scared she won’t be happy if she is a lesbian
    58. She is scared she will never be happy as an adult
    59. Adults don’t seem very happy to her
    60. She is a very obedient child
    61. She never wanted to get in trouble at school
    62. During middle school, she started to get anxious about speaking to people
    63. She became depressed and didn’t want to go to school
    64. Her mom told her she was lazy and ungrateful for what she had
    65. She believed her mom
    66. She didn’t like looking people in the eye very much
    67. She didn’t like asking questions in class or doing presentations (although she could if she had to)
    68. Her math grade dropped because she didn’t ask questions
    69. Her parents want her to get straight A’s
    70. She got a B in math both in 7th and 8th grade
    71. She has a great smile,
    72. Her laugh is contagious
    73. She loves puzzles
    74. She never learned how to ride a bike
    75. She plays the piano
    76. She really doesn’t like wearing dresses
    77. She loves all different types of food
    78. She is not a very organized person, although her mom wants her to be
    79. She can be very forgetful
    80. She has a few mental disorders, undiagnosed
    81. She is very respectful
    82. She has big eyes
    83. She was tall for her grade in elementary school
    84. She hated being looked at then
    85. She wants to learn how to play more instruments
    86. She has a good singing voice but is too shy to do choir
    87. She is a Gemini
    88. She can’t curl her tongue
    89. She loves to sing in the shower
    90. She got really good at jumping rope as a kid
    91. She hopes to stay 5’3, she doesn’t want to be taller
    92. When she got her period for the first time, her mom did not help
    93. She had to ask a teacher for help
    94. She is funny, although no one knows
    95. She wished she had siblings
    96. She doesn’t like eggs
    97. She loves flowers
    98. She spends most of her time alone
    99. She is excited to start high school
    100. She can sing the alphabet backwards

  3. Where was she born: Alice was born on river road, in the eastern side of the city outside of the grand estates. There is no river there anymore, it was dammed up and ran dry, but the name remains.
    Did she have siblings: Alice was an only child, and could not have tolerated siblings if she had had them.
    What were her parents like: Her parents had both been workers at one of the estates, a maid and a cook, both too young, in their eyes, to have a child.
    What did she do for fun growing up: When she was very small, she was allowed to go with her parents to work, and run around and explore the estate. But when she got older, she became an annoyance and a distraction, and was asked to remain at home.
    What did she do for fun at home: She wandered about the neighborhood. And soon she wandered further, tracing the path of the old river canals.
    Why did she spend so much time wandering: If you don’t allow the mind to wander, it begins to pace. The mind cannot wander while the feet are still.
    How old is she: She is freshly 20 years old, although this answer may change depending on who asks the question.
    What does she do for work: She mends clothes at one of the fabric shops nearby
    Who are her friends: None to speak of.
    Who cares about her: Lisa at the fabric shop was the closest she had to a friend or parental figure. She was also one of the few people who could get more than a few consecutive words out of Alice, and the few people with whom Alice shared her thoughts about the world and characters therein.
    What does she like to wear: Although Alice spent many hours of her time in the fabric shop looking at and admiring the patterned velvets and silks, on most days she wore her wide legged brown pants and her black shirt with the red vest.
    When did Alice live: 1915 or thereabouts.
    Where were her parents now: They had moved to the estate, in one of the workers’ rooms, but they left her with the small city apartment and she was satisfied.
    What were her ambitions in life: To leave and find somewhere she was known by no one, and live her life in luxurious anonymity
    Why doesn’t she want to be known: She did not like to be pulled from her own head into the physicality of the world around her.
    What name does she give when asked: She changes it as she can, but often chooses Ella, or Lacey, or things similar enough to her name that she’ll remember to respond to them if needed.
    Has she ever been in love: Many times over, with sailors and princes and figures on the street. She goes with them to elaborate dances, and finds them in hidden waterfalls. Of course these happen only in her mind.
    What does she like to eat: In an ideal world she would eat only sweets and pastries. As it is currently she lives mainly off of tomato sandwiches.
    If she was a cephalopod what cephalopod would she be: A nautilus.
    What does she value most about herself: her eye for people.
    If she could have a superpower what would it be: Invisibility
    Why: to see without being seen
    If she could travel any place in the world, where would she go: She would go to one of the castles of Scotland and look out at the sea from a tall tall tower.
    If she was an illustration, what would she be: A group of lilac blossoms
    What’s her favorite flower: The crocuses that pop up in the few green spaces at the start of spring
    When is her birthday: Originally November 3rd, but she moved it to June 2nd when possible, as november tended to be a disagreeable month
    What’s her favorite color: Dark blues and indigos, although the dyes were far too expensive for her to ever wear those fabrics.
    What’s her least favorite color: Bright greens and yellows.
    What’s her favorite Animal: the giant monstrous squids illustrated on the maps on the wall of the local library.
    Does she like to read: She carries a book with her at all times, and is fond of finding a hidden place and staying there with a book for as long as possible.
    Does she like to write: Along with her book, she carries with her a notebook. She’s fond of writing in cipher for the amusement of it, though she’s sure there’s no one around to read what she is writing.
    What does she use as a key: She changes the key for her ciphers occasionally, once you’ve learned to write fluently in one it takes away the challenge and the amusement, but she almost always uses the name of the boats in the harbor at the end of the empty channel by her house. Currently it’s the “Gem of the sea” or “GEM OF TH SA”.
    Where did she learn to write in ciphers: A few years back, when rumors of a war were starting, she sat behind two men in a pub, drunkenly discussing how they would have to put everything in code now that there would be spies about. She found the idea very romantic, and checked out a book of codes from the library the next day.
    Does she use her real name on her library card: She does not technically have a library card, but she always puts the books she takes back where she found them when shes done and that feels close enough
    What’s her favorite book: Whatever she’s reading at the moment, that she finds herself able to live in for a while.
    Does she have a favorite memory: Real or imagined?
    Real: No
    Imagined: Many
    What does she write about: People mostly, that she sees in the streets or in the shops
    Are any of the stories true: She doesn’t care to ask. Knowing tends to ruin it.
    What does she base it on: Their walk, or their look, or their conversations. The way they carry themselves, the way they interact with others.
    Has she ever been caught watching people: She is not often seen, even when sitting in plain sight, and when she is she rarely cares to hide the fact that she is looking. Most people won’t meet her stare.
    Can she ride a velocipede: No, but she would like to
    Does she enjoy music: She enjoys the fiddles in the pub immensely, and sometimes she’ll stand outside of the estates and listen to the string music and the pianos, and imagine herself as one of the guests, spinning about the room.
    Does she have any family outside of her mother and father: She has cousins somewhere in the middle of the country. And grandparents, possibly, but neither of her parents had spoken much to their families in many years.
    Has she ever been on a boat: She’s seen many of them, and thought about sneaking on to one, but she didn’t think it would be worth the risk.
    Can she swim: No. The water in the harbor isn’t fit to swim in and there’s nowhere else to learn.
    Does she want to swim: Desperately.
    Has she ever been arrested: No, there isn’t a large police presence where she’s from, and she knows how to tell when someones looking for a fight or a power trip
    Is she religious: No, but she goes to church occasionally. She likes sitting underneath the stained glass.
    What makes her laugh: She’s fond of the jokes she makes in her own head. She amuses herself with the lives of strangers. Sometimes she’ll overhear a funny story and tell it to herself again when she’s bored.
    What’s her least favorite food: She stole a lobster from a harbor loading area once. She had no idea how to cook or eat it, and ended up very displeased with the whole affair. She has since held a grudge against both lobsters and the people who eat them.
    What’s her favorite drink: In the summer she’ll save up her change for a glass of lemonade at the local store. It’s cool and tart and makes her feel rich.
    What’s her least favorite drink: Lisa bought her a celebratory glass of whiskey on her 18th birthday, she found it entirely intolerable and didn’t speak to Lisa for a month.
    Was that her real 18th birthday: June 2nd is just as real a birthday as any other day of the year.
    Has she drunk since: She’s had a glass of wine that she found tolerable, but has found nothing yet that compares to the summer lemonade.
    Does she have a tendency to fidget: She is almost always moving in one way or another, she finds that it helps her to think while connecting her with the world outside. The only times she is entirely still are when is living fully in her head, with no concern for the world around her.
    How does she fidget: She paces around whatever room she’s in. She taps her feet and bounces her leg. If she has a pen she will tap it against her mouth, leaving ink stains on her lips.
    Does she wear any makeup: She likes the appearance of blush, but would never wear any herself. Though she does occasionally pinch at her cheeks to give the illusion.
    Has she had any contact with her mother or father lately: They come by the house occasionally, perhaps to get their things, perhaps to see if she’s alive. She’s rarely in the house during the day so she couldn’t be sure. She imagines that they think of her often.
    What does she eat for breakfast: One egg, over easy, on a piece of rye toast.
    Does she have any role models: She thinks the life of a pigeon seems like a fairly good one. She spent a few days trailing and imitating them, but found that it wasn’t the life for her.
    Does she do any art: She can’t seem to get the images in her head to look right on paper, so often ends any attempt at drawing by crumpling the paper entirely.
    Does she regularly steal outside of fancy food and library books: If she sees something that someone else has discarded she will often grab it, though she doesn’t consider this stealing. Outside of that she finds that a life of crime draws too much attention, and people would ask questions if they saw her in anything nice. Specifically Lisa who considered herself very religious and would not tolerate any sort of thieving. She’s not opposed to it in principle though.
    What’s her greatest fear: Drowning, being under the cold water and completely unable to breathe.
    Where does that fear come from: A series of nightmares she had had as a child, where she would wake up drenched in sweat. The sensation of waking up cold and wet had only added to the fear.
    Does she still want to travel the sea despite this: Yes, of course
    Why the sea? Why not land?: She was never entirely sure. She had built her life around walking the streets of the city, building worlds around the people she saw. But in the side of her mind was always a life as polar opposite as can be, on the bow of a ship, watching the horizon.
    What does she hope to find there: A way to live outside of her head that doesn’t fill her with fear.
    Is that another fear: Being present in that way has always scared her a bit. It was hard for her to escape her head fully, but in many ways that was her home. The well worn grooves of her thoughts were as comforting as a feather bed. Being fully outside of herself in a way was as foreign and terrifying as leaving the country for somewhere she didn’t speak the language.
    Does she speak any other languages: She had picked up a few phrases, and could read with some comprehension German and French, but could not speak either.
    Would she like to learn: She would like to learn, but does not like the clumsiness of her writing or thinking when trying to fit her thoughts into unfamiliar words.
    Does she know many people who speak other languages: The men at the pub often speak other languages, she can’t be sure which ones though, as most of them include swears and other words that can’t be translated through one of the big dictionaries in the library.
    Could she ask them to teach her: No.
    How does she spend so much time in the pub if she doesn’t drink: She found that if she helped the barlady with the drying and washing of the glasses, no one would care that she was there or take any notice of her. The bar lady called her “little mouse” and was grateful for the help though she thought she was strange.
    Does she mind being called little mouse: Not particularly. Despite the life she leads in her head she knows she is small and unobtrusive in the real world. This makes sense to her. Why should they see the version of her she is aware of?
    How does the version of her in her head differ from her real person: In her head she has adventures, wears magnificent dresses, and sees things that other people do not. In real life she is just a girl in dull clothing sitting on a bench.
    How does that make her feel: Like she has a wonderful secret that only she is in on.
    What shoes does she wear: black button boots with worn out soles, and a small hole in the side. She has patched the side with fabric from the store, but she is ashamed of them, and tucks them under her when she sits.
    How does she do her hair: She does it up in a braided updo that Lisa taught her, which can stay in place without falling out for a few days if she’s careful. Lisa will often undo it and redo it for her, which a part of her enjoys. She imagines herself a well to do women with ladies maids.
    Does she ever want a family: She does not imagine that sort of future for herself. She rarely imagines a future at all, just places herself in all sorts of wonderful presents.
    Does she ever imagine a different past: occasionally, or rewrites old past imaginings, but they have often lost their shine after so long in the spotlight of her mind.
    Does she ever dance: She has seen the dances held in the estate, from her perch on the wall that allows her to see into the windows, and she has watched as country dances take place in the big room in the pub, but she has never been a part of either.
    Would she like to: She would like to dance in big sweeping lines, as her dress flares out below her. She has no patience for the hopping and skipping of the barn dances. And the few times she had tried to imitate the motions she had fallen.
    Does she ever regret that she was not born into great wealth: A part of her regrets it, another part of her worries that it would not live up to her imaginings.
    Does any part of life live up to her imaginings: rarely.

  4. 1.Hair/Eye color: I have brown hair and my sister’s hair is red. We both have hazel eyes but hers are lighter than mine.
    2.Height: Not very tall or short — just average at 5ft 4in.
    3.Any siblings: Just a younger sister, Ellie-May
    4.Friends: I was closest to V (was it Vanessa or Vania or Valerie or Vivian or Victoria?)
    5.Favorite place you’ve visited: seven towns ago there was a waterfall a bit away in the woods, I used to think about going there with my best friend constantly
    6.Favorite school subject: History but we studied it the least in school. I wish I liked math more like Ellie-May did.
    7.What parent are you closer to: Probably my father, I feel like my mother prefers my sister more than me, so this seems natural.
    8.Favorite season: Summer, I hate winter more than anything.
    9.Favorite meal: The chicken stew we used to eat before the invaders came and we had to flee our farm
    10.If you could have any superpower, what would it be: To be able to tell if someone was telling the truth. Or maybe time travel.
    11.Do you consider yourself and introvert or an extrovert: introvert I guess, that’s something that’s changed about me as I grew up — I became more normal
    12.Favorite memory: V and I snuck out to the waterfall one night with some candy we had found in an abandoned house outside of town. We swam in the slow river and laughed. I remember how she looked at that exact moment.
    13.How did you meet V: We met when we were invaders and our fathers joined the cause. They were grouped in the same unit, and we had been together since.
    14.Will you join the cause: Probably. That’s what everyone does now but I’ll have to leave it if I have any kids.
    15.What’s your dream: to be someplace down south with Ellie-May making sandcastles as V leans against me, softly singing.
    16.Have you picked up any words in your vocabulary that friends/family say a lot: Yes, I used to say “devastating” a lot because of V. Ellie-May used to make a certain face when she was writing and I feel like I make that face too.
    17.If you could only save one thing from your burning home what would it be: all of my things are in my bag, packed constantly but if for some reason I could only get one thing I would take my sister’s doll.
    18.What are your phobias: I hate snakes and recently snow.
    19.What’s your favorite animal: I always wanted to see a Koala.
    20.Any pets: No, we used to have farm animals but pets aren’t practical for the amount of moving we have to do
    21.Favorite song: V sang this little lullaby once by the waterfall, I can’t remember it
    22.Favorite color: I hate the color red. I probably like blue the best
    23.What’s in your pocket: my pocketknife and a crumpled letter my sister left me
    24.Do you believe in God: No, no one has for a long time
    25.Are you superstitious: No
    26.What was your last lie: That I don’t remember anything that happened to my sister
    27.What are your views on lying: Its generally bad but sometimes necessary because other people lie too
    28.Do you have any allergies: My nose gets runny in spring so maybe I’m allergic to pollen
    29.Greatest regret: Trying to run away with V
    30.What are your pet peeves: Lying and when people walk loudly
    31.Last time you cried: June I think (or was it September… no, why would I have cried in September?)
    32.Who do you love the most: I don’t know. I miss V. I miss my sister
    33.Is there anyone you hate: Yes, I try to hate several people.
    34.Do you prefer the indoors or outdoors: the outdoors, my sister used to complain of walking through nature but it was peaceful to me
    35.Favorite type of weather: a warm and sunny day
    36.If you had to pick, which deadly sin is your worst: It was probably pride but I think now its sloth
    37.What of the seven corresponding virtues is your best: It was diligence but that ended up being more of a sin (at least it felt like I was punished for it)
    38.What would you say your sexuality is: That’s not relevant but I know I loved V
    39.Dream job: I wanted to be an author when I was younger and write big books on history
    40.What is the best quality in a friend: Loyalty above everything else
    41.What kind of chair is your favorite: I liked rocking chairs a lot but now probably anything cloth with armrests.
    42.What’s your favorite pair of shoes: I only have two pairs but before I had this pair of white sneakers. White’s not practical for walking around in dirt though so they got gross fast
    43.Do your parents have a good relationship: I guess, they don’t talk much anymore but I remember them liking each other more when I was younger
    44.Do you read a lot: Not anymore
    45.What books did you like to read: history books, anything that felt old felt special
    46.Biggest physical insecurity: My ears stick out of my head weirdly, I feel like I look like an elf
    47.What do you think about the unit you’re in: Its fine, groups are the only way to survive after all
    48.What do you think of its leader: V’s dad is in charge. I’ve met him a few times, but he seems angry and its always uncomfortable. He seems angrier now.
    49.What is your best physical characteristic: V always said I had the prettiest eyes
    50.If you could do any sport what would it be: I don’t think people have played sports in a while but I would probably just run cross country since we do a lot of walking anyway
    51.Have you ever painted your nails: When we were young sometimes we would crush berries into a paste and try to color our nails with that. It never worked too well
    52.What was your favorite animal on the farm you grew up on: Ellie-May and I loved this little goat that we helped raise. It died during the invasion.
    53.Who invaded: No one’s quite sure. Some say aliens and some say fantasy creatures. They’ve got blue skin and white hair, and they drink your blood and can control the weather or something.
    54.How did you feel during the invasion: afraid, the ground shook a lot and things caught on fire. A lot of our crops and animals died and the old man next door was killed by one of them.
    55.Did the invaders invade everywhere: I think so, we run into them wherever we go
    56.Have you ever seen an invader: No but V did I think
    57.Do you have electricity: sometimes if the town we free hasn’t been totally destroyed by the invaders. More often than not we don’t have anything
    58.Do you use normal money: I don’t think so, normally it seems like bartering is the most common exchange
    59.Do you know where you were born: I don’t know what its called or what it was once called. It was a farm someplace cold and the closest city was 50 miles away.
    60.Do you prefer pants or skirts: Skirts are proper but pants are easier to move in
    61.Would you ever dye your hair: No? How would I even do that?
    62.What do you normally eat for breakfast: Whatever mom makes, usually oatmeal or some sort of bread or maybe fruit if we are lucky
    63.What do you normally eat for lunch: we don’t usually eat lunch in the Unit
    64.What do you normally eat for dinner: sometimes we all pool our resources in the Unit and then we get a variety of bread, sometimes meat and fruit, soup and stews
    65.Do you ever get dessert: Fruit is the closest thing to dessert we eat but once we had a simple cake without frosting
    66.Do you eat enough: Enough to survive but not enough that I’m never hungry
    67.Are you happy: I don’t think happiness is my priority
    68.Are you sad: Everyone has something to be sad about
    69.Are you angry about anything right now: Not really, just apathetic to things
    70.Do you consider yourself smart: I did but I don’t anymore
    71.How good is your memory: Its all messed up. I see images sometimes of things that aren’t real and remember things that are as if they’re shrouded in fog
    72.Have you ever broken a bone: I fell out of a tree when I was younger and broke my wrist. I broke it again a while ago, I tripped and fell I think
    73.What’s the sickest you’ve ever been: I was really sick a few months ago. Cold sweats, thrashing, throwing up, everything you can imagine
    74.What’s your favorite item of clothing that you own: I have this old navy jacket that I used to wear all the time but I haven’t seen it since September, no it was June
    75.Did you ever watch TV: I think we did but I can’t remember
    76.Do you have any reoccurring dreams: No, sometimes I dream of snow and the waterfall V and I used to go to
    77.What would you wish for if you found a genie: I want everything to go back to how it was before April
    78.Are you a light or heavy sleeper: I’m a light sleeper, I wake up in the middle of the night a lot
    79.What time period would you live in if you could go back in time: The Roman Empire I think and then Ellie-May and I could make sandcastles
    80.If you could choose, how would you want to die: I want to die peacefully in the water at that waterfall in the forest
    81.Do you think there’s hope for the future: Maybe. Maybe one day the invaders will leave, and everything will be calm again. Maybe we can go back to normal
    82.Is anything completely unforgivable: death and violence and some lies are
    83.Do you want children: Maybe. Not really but I should have some probably
    84.Will you ever get married: Probably, my parents want me to marry Noah I think
    85.Who is Noah to you: I barely know him. He is friends with V’s brother. I’ve ever even looked at him really
    86.Have you ever smoked: We stole my dad’s cigarettes once when we were young, before the invasion. He doesn’t smoke much now, only when there are cigarettes in the towns we go to
    87.Have you ever drunk alcohol: A few times. We tried it, Ellie-May and I, once. V and I stole some alcohol we found under the counter in a shop once. We drank it out in the woods behind a store down the road
    88.Would you say you’re a leader or a follower: I used to think I could be a leader, especially with V at my side. But I’m not a leader.
    89.What does your normal daily routine look like: I wake up with the sun and help my mom make food. Some days she’s too tired so I make the food myself. Then I run errands if there are any. I’ll walk around town doing nothing sometimes. I mend clothes that are ripped and start on dinner. I spend a lot of time staring out the window at the snow too. After dinner, I clean and then go to bed.
    90.Can men cry: Dad says no
    91.Who is your hero: My dad was my hero for a long time then it was V and now I don’t know what a hero is
    92.How was your first kiss: Sweet, I was happy I think. It’s hard to remember but I think I was 13.
    93.How much schooling have you had: I was homeschooled for years until the invasion when I was 10. Then they tried to school me a bit but lessons got less and less common until they just stopped by 15.
    94.Would you hurt someone to help someone you loved: Yes probably if I had to. For V or Ellie-May I think I could do it
    95.Where did Ellie-May’s doll come from: Dad gave her a doll a few days after we moved into town. She wanted one, even though she was 14 and some said she was too old for one. It came from the toy store. It’s got weird stains on it but its new, he said its new.
    96.Why is Ellie-May’s doll stained: He tried to dye its hair and fix its eyes. That’s the only way that could have happened. It’s the only way
    97.Where is V: I don’t really know who she is, I can barely remember her. She’s probably somewhere, maybe at that waterfall I remember.
    98.Where’s Ellie-May: She’s gone, lost. Maybe somewhere south of here on a beach.
    99.Do you think the invasion is real: It has to be.
    100.What do you know is real for certain: We live here, in this little town that different people used to live in. There’s snow outside the window.

  5. Patty
    She is a teacher at an elementary school. She has dyed part of her hair purple. Her students are in 2nd grade. She lives in the year 2064. She is addicted to her phone. She is only kind of aware of her addiction. She doesn’t really care. She is aware that the kids in her class are also addicted to their phones. She doesn’t really care about that either. She has never known a time when people weren’t staring at screens all day. She usually just eats Mini Nutrient Spheres™ for breakfast. Her bed remains unmade. She owns a self-driving car. She lives alone.

    She has a friend named Samuel. He works at a generative AI company. He mostly just pretends to understand what his job is. Like Patty, he is also an AI enthusiast. He often tells Patty what the next big things are that they are working on. Patty likes having a friend to give her insider looks at AI technology.

    Patty is a fan of Chelsea Mack, a pop artist. She doesn’t seem to care that Mack’s songs are mostly machine-generated. She believes in technology exclusively improving peoples’ lives with no downsides. She doesn’t really understand how that technology works. She pretends to understand it anyways for the sake of sounding smart in front of her students.

    She, like most people in her time, has a short attention span. If a video about a topic she’s not interested in is over 5 minutes long, she will either skip through it or not watch it. She believes she cannot draw because she doesn’t have natural talent. She believes herself to be a great artist anyways. Her works are exclusively AI-generated. She believes that her brilliant ideas outweigh the fact that she doesn’t make her work herself. She thinks that the tiny amount of work she puts in it is an incredible amount of work. She believes in results, and not the process. She gives up easily.

    She has tried learning to draw. She gave up after she couldn’t draw a perfect self-portrait on the first try. She believes that traditional artists are pompous. She’s secretly just jealous. She is afraid to make any mistakes. She has internalized this mindset and is now projecting it onto her students. She encourages them to find shortcuts. She does not encourage them to have patience. She relishes in the idea that anyone can create great things with the help of AI. Her philosophy is kind of twisted.

    She has a dog, I decided. It’s a robot dog. She thinks a real dog is too much work. She named it Kevin. She likes not having to feed it or walk it. It requires no training and just does whatever she says. She likes not having to constantly train Kevin. It has a bunch of preprogrammed, kind of creepy dog noises built into it. Patty can’t see the difference. She occasionally does walk this freak of technology, but just for bragging rights. She will smirk at actual dog owners and show Kevin off like they’re on a red carpet. This just confuses other dog owners. It also confuses their dogs. Patty is unaware of this. When she’s sick of Kevin, she turns him off. She often forgets to turn him back on for days or weeks at a time. Patty believes herself to be a proud dog owner.

  6. Rachel has dark hair that is gray at the roots. She needs to dye it soon. She wears glasses with chunky black frames. She has to push them up a lot. She has a turned-up nose. Her mouth is often slightly open. She has rosacea. She gets hot easily, and she resents still air. Her favorite color is royal purple, but she mostly wears black, white, gray, dark green, and navy. Sometimes her clothes have white cat hair on them. Her cat’s name is Oscar. When it is chilly she wears cardigans. She is constantly wrapping them around her body.

    She loves sweets but tries not to eat them. Her best friend, Marie, is keto, and she feels like she should be too. Her favorite food is Thai. She used to go to this one Thai restaurant a lot with her ex-husband, Brian, but hasn’t gone since the divorce. She used to order the same thing every time – green curry with tofu, no fish sauce (she’s a vegetarian), and sticky rice. She only wears silver jewelry. She is a bit of a hoarder, but it’s all nice stuff. The drawer in her bedside table is never organized. She primarily wears Dansko shoes and has a stack of them, still in the box, in her closet.

    She loves shopping and often buys things that are from other cultures. Her ex-husband is Buddhist. She’s always been an atheist at heart. She loves Sonic Youth. Their music reminds her of when she was younger and she didn’t have to dye her hair. She wanted to be like Kim Gordan back then.

    She works in the HR department at a social worker company now. Her office is located inside a building that used to be a factory. There isn’t an elevator so she has to go up the stairs. She’s always a little out of breath when she gets to her floor. She has photos of flowers on her desk. She does photography in her spare time. She also has a picture of herself with her son, who is in his mid 20’s, and a photo of her cat.

    She has worked at the same company for 8 years. She finds the work, and her coworkers, tedious and uninspiring. She’s going to quit soon to pursue being a photographer. She inherited money from her mom after she died, so she doesn’t worry that much about money. She kept the house after the divorce. It’s nice, but it needs some work. Her ex-husband, Brian, moved into a fancy apartment with high ceilings shortly after the two separated. He currently lives with his girlfriend, who he met at his architecture firm when he and Rachel were still married.

    Rachel met Brian in college – they were in the same drawing class together. He was taking it for his major, she was taking it just to take it. She majored in English. He majored in architectural studies – he always knew he wanted to be an architect. When they were looking at houses to buy, he would carefully inspect each one. He’s very smart and would sometimes talk down to her a bit. She never really understood his work. She’s smart, but not in the same way he is.

    She works with a lot of nice people, and she’s nice – but she has an edge. She is the only slightly alternative person at her office, other than Nora, but she and Nora don’t speak anymore. Apparently Rachel looked at Nora the wrong way in a meeting one day. HR is not what Rachel imagined herself doing in college, although she wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted to do. She liked to read, which is why she majored in English. Her favorite novel is Emma by Jane Austen.

  7. Billy
    Quieter when around people he doesn’t know
    Louder and more alive with people he’s comfortable with
    More on the introverted side
    Loves to hang out with people but has a shorter social battery
    Recharges his social battery through self care (sitting in bed watching a movie)
    Smile laughs most of the time but no sound comes out
    Belly laughs and is boisterous when he finds something really funny
    Emotions go up and down
    Will suddenly become grumpy
    Always has a runny nose
    Keeps tissues in his front pockets
    Keeps his phone and wallet in his back pockets
    Was born in Seattle, Washington
    He now lives in Boston, Massachusetts
    Loves to watch football, his team is the Seahawks
    Hates heavy rain but loves a drizzle
    Loves sunny but brisk weather
    Autumn is his favorite season
    Christmas is his favorite holiday, mostly because he goes home
    Is a bit of a homebody, but sadly rarely gets to visit
    Is 26 years old
    Has an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering
    Went to MIT for undergrad
    Goes to MIT for graduate programs still
    Has the Iphone 15
    Has a Macbook for his computer
    Loves animals
    Favorite house animal is cats
    Grew up with 4 cats 1 dog
    Has an orange cat named Beans
    Is not a big coffee drinker
    Drinks Hot Tea and Matcha instead
    Typically eats breakfast at home but sometimes goes to his favorite Cafe down the street Sip Cafe for breakfast
    Favorite meal for breakfast is a Bagel sandwich: sausage, egg and cheese or more complex ones like egg, bacon, avocado, tomato chipotle aioli, pepper jack cheese. Always orders it with Everything Bagel
    Likes savory food over sweet food
    Not a big dessert person
    However, favorite dessert is chocolate lava cake
    Favorite food overall is sushi
    Loves Asian and Mexican cuisine
    Will spend money on food over spending it on clothes and other stuff
    Will also spend money on legos (specifically star wars legos)
    Not a complex fashion sense, simple but classy
    Favors comfortable over pretty
    Has blue eyes
    Has dirty blonde hair
    Has wavy or curly-ish hair
    Is 6’3
    Hair is in the fashion of a modern mullet, not buzzed on the sides but shorter
    Puts more work into his hair than his clothes
    Doesn’t have facial hair
    Goes to the gym and is fit but isn’t absolutely jacked.
    Has flat feet, has to wear inserts in his shoes
    Favorite shoe to wear are air forces and underarmour shoes
    Favors Nike over other companies
    Doesn’t use Facebook but has an account
    Instagram is his favored app but is not on there often
    Prefers Instagram reels over tik tok
    Goes to classes/does homework Sunday-Friday. Saturday is the day he takes off for himself
    Will hang out with friends on Saturday, self care day, or do a mixture of both
    Has freckles on his face, a lot are centralized on his cheeks and his nose bridge
    Has moles and freckles on arms and rest of body, not too heavily but spacially scattered
    Usually wakes up, makes breakfast, easts, goes to class, goes to work, comes home and does homework, watches tv, then goes to bed.
    Does not have a current girlfriend
    Dated 4 people before this
    Curious about his sexuality, questioning
    Has his ears pierced
    Has a couple patchwork tattoos
    Is not too picky of an eater
    Hates bell peppers
    Loves spicy food
    His favorite kind of food is Mexican food
    Works at a research lab for MIT
    Is thinking about getting a job as a bartender to make more money
    Played sports as a kid, specifically tennis, lacrosse, and cross country
    Has scars on his knuckles from getting checked in lacrosse
    Used to love to climb trees as a kid
    Very outdoorsy as a kid
    Always played imaginary or with nerf guns outside all summer
    Climbing trees was his favorite activity
    As a kid fell out of tree and broke his arm, that’s the only bone he’s broken
    Billy has 2 siblings, a younger sister and brother who are twins. He is the oldest
    Billy loves his siblings a lot and texts them and calls them all the time
    Billy loves his parents but isn’t as close to his dad as he is his mom
    His siblings are sophomores in college going to NYU
    His dad is 64 years old
    His mom is 58 years old
    He has hitchhiker thumbs
    Billy’s grandparents on his dads side died when he was younger
    Billy’s grandpa on his moms side has died
    Billy’s grandma on his moms side is still alive and well!
    Billy wants to one day go to Budapest and go to the christmas markets
    Billy wants to travel and see the world
    His favorite color is blue, but more like sky blue
    His middle name is Ross
    His last name is Allen
    His friends call him billy, silly billy, and bill. Sometimes more friends add a random nickname
    Billy drives a toyota tacoma, the color is blue
    He has knee problems and has had them his whole life
    He prefers to study alone
    He has a picture of his family in his wallet which makes him feel closer to home.

  8. Maisie has always had bangs since she was little, her mom used to cut them but now she cuts them herself every month.
    Maisie loves acrylic nails and gets them done every summer.
    She hates typing with acrylic nails, so during the school years she keeps them short and painted. Usually red.
    Maisie loves nail art and watches a lot of nail art videos on YouTube.
    Maisie has a YouTube channel called “Maisie Monotonous Life” that she posts whenever she remembers it exists.
    Maisie’s best friend is Lila and they have been friends since they met in kindergarten because they were the only ones that couldn’t fall asleep during nap time.
    Maisie is a volleyball player but always wanted to play football. She is an outside hitter
    Maisie is an outside hitter because she is not because she is very good
    Maisie’s grandmother taught her how the knit and crochet when she was ten years old and
    Maisie’s favorite artist is Britney Spears because her grandmother gave her a frog that sang Baby One More Time when she was little.
    Maisie is an only child. She is selfish and spoiled.
    Maisie loves grilled cheese sandwiches tomato soup and lemonade. That is her and Lila’s favorite meal and they can only eat it when they are together.
    Maisie’s dream school is NYU. She got waitlisted.
    Every summer Maisie goes to San Diego to visit her aunt uncle and cousin. Every summer he cousin takes her surfing. She is bad at it.
    Maisie loves the beach and owns 50 pairs of bikinis.
    Maisie owns a red bike and often rides it to lilas house which is exactly 13 minutes away.
    Maisie wishes she were blonde but refuses to ruin her dark hair
    Maisie’s favorite genre of movies is rom coms and her favorite rom-com is Confession of a Shopahalic because she relates.
    Maisie loves to go shopping with her mom and Lila. Shopping with both of them is dangerous because they encourage her to make stupid purchases.
    Maisie keeps a detailed journal of everyone she has ever like called Maisies’s
    Maisie loves bad movies that make her laugh. She watched Twilight with Lila once a month for a good laugh.
    TEAM EDWARD!!! Even though she thinks Bella’s dad is hot too.
    Maisie and Lila love going to the movie theaters. They are ready to go to the midnight premiere of new moon.
    Maisie and Lila dream of going to New York together. They have never left California
    It’s hard for Maisie to pay attention in class she usually states out the window and daydreams
    Maisie has pin-straight hair that goes down her butt and loves curling it.
    Maisie drinks coffee every morning with oatmeal and rice and agrees
    Revlon rum raisin is her favorite lipstick which she wears every day
    Essence Lash Princess is her go-to mascara.
    Maisie wears Japanese blossom body spray from bath and body works every day.
    Maisie has prescription glasses but refuses to wear them unless she is watching a movie with Lila.
    Maisie is left-handed.
    Her favorite holiday is Valentine’s Day.
    She sleeps in a twin-sized bed and always begs her mom for a bigger one.
    During her freshman year of high school, she used to wear a bright red hat to school every day
    When she was fourteen Maisie got her first job at a yogurt shop and has been working there for four years.
    At 16 she got her driver’s license after failing three times. On her fourth try, she barely passed.
    Maisie cannot tell her left from her right.
    There is nothing she hates more than math.
    Her favorite season is summer.
    Her favorite color is red. Like a bright true red, not a maroon or a bright red. Like primary red.
    On Saturdays, Maisie visits her dad at work and he shows her what care he is fixing and sometimes lets her help him.
    Maisie wishes she could dance like Britney Spears, but she’s bad at dancing.
    Maisie loves her red Converse. She is on her third pair.
    When Maisie and Lila were sophomores in high school they went to a football game and thought it was boring and stayed under the bleaches talking all night long after the game was over.
    The only reason they went to the football game was because Lila had a crush on the quarter back, but Maisie isn’t into football boys.
    Lila always asks what kinda boys she’s into and Maisie can give her an answer.
    Maisie has two dogs and 3 guinea pigs.
    Maisie and Lila drink lychee soju on Saturdays with Maisie’s mom.
    Maisie has her belly button pierced.
    Her and Lila want matching tattoos but don’t know what they want.
    Maisie’s favorite TV show is Gossip Girl.
    When she was little Maisie didn’t know how to write the letter m so she wrote Lila calls her aisie.
    Maisie has he black belt in karate and teaches classes to the little kids.
    Her favorite food is sushi she loves spicy tuna.
    Her favorite chips are takis because they are red.
    Maisie always drives over the speed limit. She’s really bad at parking.
    She is the owner of Julie. Lila has Ivy.
    Maisie loves dark chocolate.
    Her favorite flavor of ice cream is Rocky Road.
    She loves her marshmallows burnt to a crisp.
    Maisie loves drinking boba.
    Maisie keeps a messy room because she keeps shopping and there is no more place for clothes.
    She has perfect handwriting.
    Maisie and Lila are both Scorpios and they celebrate their birthday together
    She wishes she were blond like Serena van der Woodsen.
    Maisie’s favorite dessert is red velvet cheesecake from cheesecake factory.
    She drinks her coffee with a lot of cream and a lot of sugar.
    She doesn’t like eating vegetables but likes red bell peppers.
    She loves animal prints and goes to the thrift store to look for animal prints.
    She loves to bake with her dad, they love wearing their matching baking aprons.
    They also love watching cooking shows together.
    She grew up Catholic but they only go to church on Christmas and Easter.
    She believes in God.
    Maisie doesn’t like big friend groups. She has the most fun when she hangs out with Lila.
    Maisie parts her hair down the middle.
    She always keeps a lip balm in her back pocket.
    Maisie always carries a brown corduroy bag for her school books and other important things.
    Maisie has to pee very frequently, and Lila makes fun of her.
    Maisie is a bad typer and frequently makes typos.
    She has bad eyesight but doesn’t like wearing glasses or contacts.
    She has freckles.
    Her nails grow very fast.
    She loves wearing flannels and dresses.
    She really wants to cut her hair short but likes her long hair
    She hates pretentious people.
    Rings irritate her hands.
    Her favorite piece of jewelry is a necklace that Lila got her for her 13th birthday.
    She wants a belly piercing.
    Maisie cannot sit still and likes sitting criss-cross applesauce.
    Maisie likes to yell
    She likes to cry
    She likes to dance
    She hates school dances
    She does her eyebrows
    She doesn’t shave her legs
    Maisie likes keeping every little piece of trash
    Like candy wrappers and movie tickets
    She wants to be loved
    She has never been in love

  9. Are you happy
    How long does it take you to get ready in the morning
    Are your grandparents alive
    What are your political views
    Are your opinions similar to your parents
    Yes in many ways but I am so conscious about not letting myself automatically agree with them that sometimes I seek out the opposite opinions just to overcorrect.
    Are your parents still together
    Yes but there have been rough patches
    Where do you live
    How many friends do you have
    Do you like your friends
    What do you do on the weekends
    How do you wear your hair
    Depends on how long ago I washed it
    What color is your hair/is it dyed
    What is one of your favorite outfits
    What products do you use in the shower
    What topics are you interested in
    Do you go to school
    Do you talk in class
    If I talk during the first week then yes. Otherwise no
    Do you believe your opinions are valuable
    Have you dated anyone
    Do you wear one perfume/cologne or do you mix it up or do you not wear a scent
    I wish I had a signature scent but I forget to put it on
    What do you think people’s first impressions of you are
    What kind of social attention do you get
    Do you have pets
    Do you like music
    Are you insecure about your body
    Of course
    Are your nails short or long
    What is the first country you want to travel to
    Do you like staying in or going out
    Do you worry about the future
    Do you care about grades
    Are you competitive
    Are you artistic
    Do you sing in front of others or just in the shower
    Do you have a green thumb

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