Character Interview (Weds)

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  1. Character: Cain/Angel
    1. Blonde, lanky, tall
    2. Dark brown eyes, freckles
    3. Preacher’s son
    4. Mother died in childbirth – raised by father
    5. Was supposed to be a twin; but his sister was a stillbirth. She would’ve been called Abel.
    6. Pretty quiet as a kid
    7. ^ loud as he got older (coping mechanism)
    8. From rural Louisiana
    9. Close with father until age 15 – begins to resent him because of repressed sexuality
    10. Hates the country but loves country/folk music
    11. Believes in god and loves him, just hates himself
    12. Moved to NYC at 18 with no money
    13. Taken in by a woman—Rosie—who runs a brothel-adjacent thing
    14. Learns drag from the girls there
    15. Keeps a rosary on while working
    16. ^ and runs through Hail Marys in his head
    17. Becomes very dependent on drugs in NYC
    18. ^ especially to allow himself to let go
    19. Religious guilt is very subconscious – he doesn’t recognize it
    20. Likes cheerios and plain foods – loves bread
    21. Knows how to make bread from scratch but hasn’t done it in years
    22. Only one at the club who’s perfected the art of fake lashes
    23. Could walk miles in heels without blistering
    24. Wears angel wings while working
    25. ^ where he gets his drag name (Angel)
    26. Likes reds, blues, pinks.
    27. Loves romance movies but doesn’t even entertain the idea of falling in love
    28. Favorite movie: Pretty Woman (lol)
    29. Has tattoos but only in places he can hide them
    30. Likes Simon & Garfunkel and Elizabeth Cotton
    31. Night owl – loves the stars
    32. Has basically only ever read two books – the Bible and To Kill a Mockingbird
    33. Never really knew what he wanted to be when he grew up
    34. Hates his arms but likes his legs and hair
    35. Rosie was the one who introduced him to drugs when he first got to NYC
    36. Likes leather anything
    37. Thought he loved a boy in high school, but now he’s not so sure
    38. Good at math but dislikes English
    39. Very protective of his money and belongings
    40. Chews his cuticles—NOT his nails—when he’s worried or bored
    41. Horrible grocery shopper; would get like 3 boxes of cereal and a pack of cigarettes
    42. Good friend – loyal, protective, funny, loving
    43. On the same note, sometimes clingy or overbearing
    44. Likes sweet things but is almost never in the mood for them
    45. Scars on his hand from rulers at school—wears gloves most of the time
    46. Used to have a cat – Gigi
    47. Never learned to swim
    48. FAST walker – long legs + NYC combo
    49. Room/dressing room is messy, but it’s organized chaos
    50. Has pretty bad luck in general, but always wins at card games
    51. Honestly doesn’t think he’ll live to 30
    52. Will not live to 30
    53. Loves singing and dancing, wants to be a performer but would never admit it because he knows he won’t achieve it
    54. Never wears blonde wigs—only brown or red
    55. Scared of spiders
    56. Hates when it’s quiet for too long
    57. Very active, always tapping his fingers or bouncing his knee
    58. Dislikes being taken advantage of monetarily
    59. Hates being alone
    60. Leo (July birthday)
    61. Had one close friend back home – Mary
    62. His dad and Mary’s mom always joked they should get married
    63. Mary – sort of odd, very perceptive, lighthearted
    64. Favorite place: the highway
    65. Very calm under horrible circumstances
    66. Very dramatic under mildly inconvenient circumstances
    67. Likes sour drinks, sour candy, sour fruit
    68. Likes people thinking he’s good at something (anything)
    69. Likes very calm music or very loud music, HATES anything in-between
    70. Likes being told what to do – hates decision-making
    71. Likes being surprised (if it’s a good surprise)
    72. Sometimes thinks about going home
    73. ^ wants to see the looks on people’s faces
    74. ^ more bitter towards the other people back home than he is to his dad
    75. Dresses in furs (per Rosie’s wishes)
    76. Practices his signature like a celebrity (on receipts and such)
    77. Generally pretty even-tempered but has certain things that set him off
    78. Identifies as a man but likes she/her when in drag
    79. ^ often more comfortable/confident in drag because it’s like he’s not himself
    80. Mildly superstitious, TOTALLY believes in knocking on wood
    81. Huge on swearing but never says “God” or “Jesus Christ”
    82. Sort of needs glasses but will never get them
    83. Loves things like palm readings and fortune-telling
    84. Has always wanted to visit France (never will)
    85. Tries to find a mother figure in Rosie but ultimately fails
    86. Likes repetitive movements, words, patterns
    87. Big fan of pop rocks
    88. Greatest fear: inevitability of hell
    89. 2nd greatest fear: his dad finding him in NY
    90. Very literal as a child
    91. ^ grows out of it in NYC, learns to never say what he means
    92. Loves those gossip magazine quizzes
    93. Keeps a hatbox of notes his dad gave him
    94. Has a small clip missing from his ear from falling a kid
    95. Still goes to confessionals sometimes
    96. Sometimes feels he’s incapable of love, sometimes is overwhelmed by how much he has with nowhere to direct it
    97. Very skilled at covering bruises with makeup
    98. Genuinely can’t tell the difference between his real personality and the one he’s made up most of the time
    99. Has a soulmate in Las Vegas that he’s never going to meet
    100. Worst fear (edited): not being able to see his dad again once he’s in hell and his dad is in heaven

  2. 1. Name: Wren Wilson
    2. Her favorite food is chocolate covered peanuts
    3. She’s not much of a writer, instead she prefers helping her dad out in his garage
    4. She’s not a tomboy, but she’s definitely not a girly-girl
    5. She wears contacts, only wearing her glasses when necessary
    6. Brown, curly but not coily, shoulder length hair, typically braided or in a bun
    7. Only has a younger brother, 15, named Warren, her parents loved “W” names
    8. She’s 20, in college, but not sure what to do with her life
    9. She still hasn’t declared a major
    10. She doesn’t understand how her parents got together, with her mother being the artsy type and her father down to Earth, salt of the land, but she knows they love each other.
    11. She’s been told she looks more like her father, but still has her mother’s eyes
    12. She’s outspoken, bold, and passionate about the people she cares for
    13. Her typical outfit includes a pair of black converse, jeans, and an oversized jacket she stole from her father
    14. At college, she smokes, and at night, while home, she will sit out back and share a pack with her father
    15. She has a close-knit group of friends, but still sometimes feels like she doesn’t fit in with anyone
    16. For the first three years of her life, she lived with her paternal grandparents while her parents worked to support her and themselves
    17. She was born in Chicago
    18. Her parents moved her to Missouri (which she calls Misery) when she was five
    19. She grew up in a big old farmhouse, the barn which her mother uses for an art studio and the garage filled with cars her dad is fixing up
    20. On weekends, she shoots at cans in the field with her brother
    21. In the summer, she works at a corner store selling cigarettes and liquor and forgetting to ask for ID
    22. She has a dry sense of humor, but is typically described as funny
    23. She’s smart, but she doesn’t know it
    24. She’s close to her brother, although they have grown apart recently as a result of his bad descision making
    25. Her favorite color is olive green
    26. At home, they have a pet cat named Olive because she has dark green eyes
    27. Her mother also raises chickens, although she complains about them more often than not
    28. She perceives herself as nothing special, someone just trying to scrape by with what was given to them
    29. Her family is not wealthy, but not poor either. They own their own house, have disposable income, and she’s never gone hungry
    30. She has a journal given to her by her grandmother before she passed, but she never writes in it
    31. She wears a gold cross given to her by her grandmother, although she is unsure of her religious beliefs. Part of her wants to believe in something, but her rational mind will not let her
    32. She is happiest when fixing things, watching her favorite show, or spending quality time with friends
    33. She is afraid of the dark, which she knows is dumb, but it’s always been a fear of hers since she was a kid
    34. She claims to be bisexual, but has only ever kissed one girl and far too many boys
    35. She regrets not trying harder in high school and getting into a better college, and she is insecure about not having a set life path
    36. She hates herself for it, but she could not live without her phone or computer
    37. She tries to eat healthy, but has an affinity for Ring-Dings and anything containing chocolate
    38. When upset, she turns inwards, excluding the rest of the world and trying to deal with things internally, which is not always the best coping mechanism
    39. She is a night-owl and will stay awake all night if given the opportunity
    40. She is a staunch supporter of women’s rights and most liberal viewpoints, but does not think guns should be taken away
    41. She fears change, and prefers things to remain as they are
    42. She expresses love through small acts, like making her parents dinner one night, or buying her brother a new video game
    43. Her most treasured memory is holding her brother for the first time
    44. She is incredibly bad at singing, something her brother, Warren, is quick to point out
    45. She attended public school her whole life
    46. She is currently attending University of Missouri- St. Louis
    47. She gets anxious in large groups, although she does a good job of hiding it
    48. She is trying to stop her nail-biting habit, and of course, smoking
    49. Because of her views on religion, she tries not to think too much about death, although it has been on her mind a lot as of late
    50. Wren’s room is an eclectic collection of failed attempts at trying to make it aesthetic. Her walls are covered in posters and fake vines. In the corner of her room sits her record player, with all of her second-hand records.
    51. She often wakes up without the sheets on, because she gets hot during the night. Because of this, she often sleeps in shorts and a light t-shirt
    52. In the summer, she enjoys staying up late to stargaze and listen to the crickets chirp
    53. There is a lake nearby her home where she swims and drinks with her high school friends
    54. She is not a virgin, and by no means a prude, but she is selective who she lets into her life, both in social and intimate settings.
    55. She values spending time outdoors, but also is happy curled up inside listening to music
    56. She prides herself on her unique music taste, mostly indie, alternative, and oldies
    57. Her most irrational belief is that she will end up alone, although being so close to her family, she knows that will likely never happen.
    58. She loves horror movies, especially disaster ones
    59. She has never been given flowers, and, although she won’t tell anyone, she thinks it would be very romantic
    60. She is definitely a maximalist, but everything has its own place and she knows exactly where things are
    61. The house she lives in is on a large patch of land, and the house itself is two stories. Her and her brother’s rooms are on the second floor while her parent’s room is on the first floor.
    62. Since she often stays up late, she oversleeps and has missed quite a few classes, which is why she is so excited to be home for winter break
    63. Her favorite soda is an ice-cold Grape Fanta
    64. She does her best to be honest, but tells white lies every so often. She thinks that if the truth will cause pain, it is better left unsaid
    65. Despite being stead-fast in her beliefs, she rarely watches or reads the news
    66. Her birthday is November 7th, making her a Scorpio
    67. On her bedside table is her water bottle, the book she’s currently reading, and her glasses
    68. She doesn’t carry a purse, she finds them too girly. Instead, she has a wallet with her cards and ID, and everything else she shoves into her pockets
    69. She got her license as soon as she could at 16
    70. Her dad fixed up an old Ford Pickup Truck for her, but he wouldn’t let her take it to college, claiming it would “hinder the college experience”
    71. In her pockets there is usually a pack of gum or cigarettes, a lighter, her wallet, and old receipts that she needs to throw away and keeps forgetting to.
    72. Her favorite real food is her dad’s spaghetti and meatballs, which he learned to make from his mom, her grandmother
    73. When she likes a song, she will listen to it repeatedly until she grows tired of it
    74. Her favorite animal is a cat, and she was the one who rescued Olive as a kitten when she was abandoned on the side of the road
    75. If she could travel anywhere, she would want to travel to Greenland or Iceland, to see the Northern Lights
    76. Growing up, her dad tried to get her into sports, but she could never find any one that stuck, and she never felt like she fit in with those girls.
    77. She has a part-time job on campus working at the library. It’s easy, and she can do her homework while she works
    78. While she doesn’t love cooking, she doesn’t mind it, and she often helps her dad around the kitchen.
    79. She never got outright bullied in school, but she did feel judged by her peers at times and she certainly wasn’t one of the most popular people
    80. She had a boyfriend for a few months in high school, but has not dated anyone seriously since starting college
    81. Her ex-boyfriend wasn’t the right fit for her, and she broke up with him, something she still feels guilt over
    82. Her parents tell her she was an easy baby, but her grandparents said she was difficult
    83. She wants to grow up and move closer to one of the coasts, but not live in the city. She doesn’t like all the people. Even St. Louis is too big for her
    84. Her favorite scent is evergreen, since it reminds her of Christmas
    85. She’s sensitive, even though she doesn’t show it.
    86. When she first heard the news, she had a sinking feeling in her stomach, even though her father told her it wasn’t true
    87. She hid a box with chocolate, a pack of smokes, a lighter, and her journal in a floorboard in her room
    88. She regrets not going to more of her classes when she still could
    89. Some nights, she crawls in bed with her brother and listens to the far away sounds of army trucks. Some nights they also hear gunfire
    90. She laughed at her mom when she insisted on going to the store and stockpiling cat food. She now regrets laughing at her.
    91. While stores were being looted, she and her brother snuck out of the house one night and took survival books from the library.
    92. She has begun plucking the wildflowers that grow in the field and making bouquets for her mother.
    93. She doesn’t wear any jewelry except for the cross necklace and a friendship bracelet that cannot be taken off without ruining it.
    94. In the summer, her hair gets frizzy, so she still has her mom braid it. She cannot braid to save her life.
    95. She has some makeup, but hardly ever wears it unless going out with friends.
    96. At college, she’s been out a few times, but most of her friends are homebodies like her.
    97. When the power went out, she suggested they chop up the Christmas Tree and burn it in the fireplace for warmth. Her mother refused.
    98. She recently learned how to chop wood.
    99. Warren still won’t tell her any of the important things.
    100. She doesn’t believe in fate.

  3. 1. Name: Jade Smith
    2: Age: 19-20 years old ish
    3: College: Yale
    4: She is very close to her mom.
    5: She has 2 other siblings, one older brother who is in Grad school, and one sister who is a junior in high school
    6: She has read multiple books since first grade when her first grade teacher said that she’s not good at writing
    7: She loves cats, and has two of them at home.
    8: She lives in Boston Massachusetts and loves the city.
    9: She however loves the heat and hates the cold.
    10: She has two very close friends who are her roommates in college.
    11: She loves playing pickleball.
    12: During her free time, she watches Keeping Up with the Kardashians while knitting/crocheting.
    13: She played the cello for all of highschool and is trying to join the orchestra in college.
    14: She has brown hair and is white, but she wasn’t always a brunette. She was originally a natural blonde but found that dark hair suits her features better.
    15: She can make a mean scrambled eggs and usually pairs it with avocado toast.
    16: She loves papaya.
    17: She is usually pretty quiet and reserved.
    18: She almost got killed by a scorpion when she was younger.
    19: She was scratched in the face by a cat when she was 3 and bit in the face by a dog when she was 5.
    20: She is suprisingly not scared of cats even though she is terrified of dogs.
    21: She grew up playing the board game Sorry and Uno competitively with her family. She would get mad if one of her siblings would win.
    22: She used to play soccer all her life but then quit due to the pressure.
    23: She was valedictorian in a very competitive private prep high school.
    24: She cries a lot.
    25: She always wanted to play the harp and piano.
    26: Her dream of becoming a journalist stemmed from social justice issues she was passionate learning about.
    27: She is Bisexual and currently has a crush on someone in her class. She is afraid coming out to her parents though.
    28: She has had a difficult relationship with her father growing up but it is getting a little better now.
    29: She fights with her siblings a lot.
    30: She loves petting snakes and sting rays.
    31: She scrolls on tiktok all day sometimes.
    32: She loves the beach.
    33: She is terrified of heights but loves rollercoasters.
    34: She tripped over a rock and sprained her ankle.
    35: A dog tried to approach her and she ran away.
    36: She loves running but hates weightlifting.
    37: Her cat is like her sibling.
    38: She misses home when she’s at school.
    39: She loves to get boba near Yale.
    40: She always wanted to visit Greece.
    41: She likes bright overhead lights and hates the darkness.
    42: She loves taking care of her skin.
    43: She has a pastel pink shoulder bag.
    44: She has a rose gold MacBook air. She hates windows.
    45: She always gets a new phone every year due to her parent’s subscription with Verizon.
    46: She barely gets sleep but focuses more in the night.
    47: She always carries an energy drink.
    48: She always wanted to pet a capybara.
    49: She has struggled with anxiety all of her life.
    50: She doesn’t quit.
    51: She is mostly an introvert. but can have a conversation with someone.
    52: She likes the rain as much as she likes the sun.
    53: She can see how her neighbor’s dog is nice to everyone but she’s too scared to pet him.
    54: She loves watching the stars and listening to music.
    55: Sometimes in college she stays in the studio until 2 am in the morning and walks 20 minutes back to her room.
    56: Her room is neat and perfectly color-coordinated.
    57: She has LED lights on the rim of her bed.
    58: She procrastinates by watching Gordon Ramsey scream at everyone in Hell’s Kitchen.
    59: She would reenact scenes from the show Community with her friends.
    60: She started painting since covid and has loved it ever since.
    61: Covid made her realize how much she needs to take care of herself.
    62: Her relationship with food has gotten significantly better since her freshman year of highschool.
    63: She sometimes fear what would happen if someone betrayed her.
    64: She’s worried people won’t like her for her looks or personality.
    65: She has a lot of pressure to people please everyone.
    66: She got a concussion from playing tetherball.
    67: She couldn’t swim until she was 8 years old.
    68: She doesn’t like her laugh or her voice.
    69: She likes to stare at the ceiling and do nothing at times.
    70: She has a hard time saying no.
    71: Her go-to is an iced vanilla latte even in the cold.
    72: She prefers Dunkin over Starbucks any day.
    73: She hates people who aren’t humble.
    74: She hates people who don’t respect her.
    75: She hates people who don’t see her value.
    76: She loves lying in her bed, especially in college.
    77: Parties aren’t her thing. Neither is drinking or smoking or being in crowds.
    78: She loves matcha.
    79: She hates licorice.
    80: She is planning on staying on campus over the summer.
    81: She always wanted to meet famous journalists.
    82: She wants to live in NYC when she’s older.
    83: She loves Florida.
    84: She loves Disneyland and Disneyworld.
    85: She will fight anyone who will eat cake with a spoon.
    86: She always had a love for fashion.
    87: She loves flipping and doing cartwheels.
    88: She used to competitively cheer in high school as well.
    89: She tried gymnastics too and it wasn’t her thing.
    90: She tried lacrosse and field hockey, and hated both of those sports.
    91: She and her mom go to the movies every weekend when she’s home during break.
    92: She loves baking.
    93: She hates cleaning and always pushes it off until she realizes that she needs to do it.
    94: She can’t cry in front of strangers.
    95: She always wanted to try surfing and paddleboarding.
    96: She doesn’t make a lot of jokes.
    97: Her mom and her love going for walks as well.
    98: She struggles taking her cats to the vet.
    99: She and her friends go to arcades together.
    100: She sometimes can get socially exhausted

  4. Female
    Cis gender
    Bi-questioning on occasion
    No children
    Parents who are alive and married
    No siblings
    Long hair
    Green eyes
    High lower-middle class
    Privileged, admittedly so
    25-years old
    Associate’s degree from community college
    Bachelor’s degree from private college
    Has student loan payments
    Loves cats
    Wants a cat
    Is planning to get a cat
    Likes dogs
    Raised catholic
    Believes in mystical arts
    Loves houseplants
    Owns 28 plants and counting
    LBGTQIA+ ally
    Has a crush on a guy at work
    Her crush is an artist
    Keeps a neat home
    Loves to cook
    Loves to bake
    Loves to read recipe columns
    Loves to read cook books
    Loves to go out to eat
    Loves to listen to music
    Loves twinkly lights
    Loves the beach
    Loves the big city
    Hates the suburbs
    Hates small towns and cities
    Hates bras
    Loves board games, especially ones that require skill, and are not just games of chance
    Loves tarot
    Has four best friends: Becky, Sarah, Sarah, and Sara
    Has a bestie named Matt
    Matt has bleached blond hair and used to be her roommate before he moved out to live with the love of his life, also named Matt
    Her name is Amy Morgan.
    Her middle name is Bliss.
    Her mother was a strict catholic and a third generation telephone operator.
    Her mother really wants her to work at the phone company and tells her about job openings at the phone company daily.
    Her Dad was a hipster photographer.
    She is creative.
    She likes to write.
    She is a writer.
    She works writing in the community announcements department in a small newspaper office in a small town about 30 minutes south of the small city her apartment is in.
    She wants to learn how to surf.
    She wants to travel.
    She is afraid of heights.
    She loves scuba diving.
    She is currently planning a trip to Florida to scuba dive
    She is not an artist, but she loves art
    She dreams of being an art columnist for a big paper in a big city
    She also loves dance
    She loves to dance
    She loves yoga and practices often
    She loves swimming
    She loves boating
    She eats oatmeal for breakfast, the instant kind
    Her favorite oatmeal flavor is peaches and cream
    She loves sushi
    She loves authentic Mexican food
    She loves seafood
    She loves spicy food
    She loves trying new cuisine
    She hates all shopping except for a quick food shop
    She loves coffee
    She needs coffee in the morning
    She has anxiety
    She takes anti-anxiety medication
    She drives an old convertible
    She is neat and organized.
    She likes movies
    She doesn’t play any instruments, but secretly wants to take piano lessons
    She is not a bad singer, but no one else besides herself knows that
    Wants to get married and have (or adopt) children, plural
    She is afraid of childbirth
    She loves horseback riding
    She used to be a highly competitive swimmer growing up
    She is brave
    She is fearless
    She is fun

  5. 1. dark brown hair/ curly/wavy
    2. loves to snack (candy)
    3. adventurous
    4. extroverted/outgoing
    5. worked in customer service
    5. loves hanging out with friends
    6. loves car drives
    7. absolutely obsessed with cereal
    8. chaotic
    9. generally very loud
    10. always wears jewelry
    11. wardrobe is primarily black/grey/white
    12. wants to live close to the sea
    13. cannot stand the heat
    14. she paints her nails in bright colors
    15. Milk Duds are her favorites
    16. always goes to the cinema alone
    17. loves watching horror movies from the 30’s
    18. Has hay fever
    19. she once broke her arm
    20. would love to become a nascar driver
    21. skilled with the computer
    22. she codes for fun
    23. works in cyber security
    24. has a tendency to be paranoid
    25. barely uses social media because of paranoia
    26. shares an apartment with her best friend from college
    27. studied comp.sci
    28. is close with her parents
    29. always wanted to have a dog
    30. owns a cat now
    31. night-owl
    32. afraid of frogs
    33. takes her best friend to drive-in theaters
    34. loves to cook
    35. Vietnamese food is her favorite take-out
    36. speaks two languages fluently
    37. her guilty pleasure is watching reality TV
    38. talks to her mom daily
    39. her doesn’t get along with her boss
    40. she doesn’t say ‘Bless you’ when someone sneezes
    41. She doesn’t understand why people clap when the airplane lands (it is their job??)
    42. has never been to a different country
    43. she would love to travel though
    44. she likes to clean
    45. however, vacuuming bores her
    46. Whenever she feels like her life is too boring she goes on a date
    47. she doesn’t want anything serious though
    48. she is bi
    49. she has dated more men than women
    50. As a child she had a crush on Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio
    51. her dad taught her how to drive a stick shift
    52. she has a brother
    53. she does not talk to her brother a lot
    54. her dad has a gambling problem but he’s trying to stay away from it
    55. he also taught her how to play blackjack and poker
    56. she adores Disney movies
    57. she has her lucky socks
    58. she is vegetarian
    59. she is impulsive
    60. lazy but in a genious way
    61. she is nosy
    62. brash
    63. she loves listening to gossip
    54. she is soft at the core
    55. she is great at keeping secrets
    56. jokes go over her head – doesn’t understand sarcasm
    57. has a peculiar laugh
    58. the cat is called Xavier
    59. she is tall
    60. she loves hiking and boldering
    61. she plays the guitar but never in front of people
    62. she sings in the shower
    63. listens to classical music at the gym
    64. lives on the 12th floor
    65. even though she likes cleaning, her room is very messy
    66. when she was younger she had a goldfish
    67. the goldfish lived for 6 years
    68. hamster that died a tragic death
    69. she tried riding when she was eleven and hated it
    70. permanent writing block
    71. she has an abandoned photography Instagram account
    72. likes to catch leaves as they fall in autumn
    73. only likes latte macchiato
    74. her favorite flowers are daisies
    75. she used to make daisy flower crowns with her mother when she was younger
    76. slept though the first concert she went to
    77. her mom is worried her daughter will die alone
    78. she would love to be good at makeup but always removes it before going out
    79. doesn’t understand the fuss around pineapple and pizza
    80. thinks the sun exploding in 5 million years is a bigger problem than it actually is
    81. likes to star gaze
    82. her car is emerald green
    83. has about 10 keys on her keychain but forgot what most of them are for
    84. wanted to become more active by riding the bike and failed
    85. had her first kiss when she was 15 years old
    86. she can’t swim
    87. her name is Olivia
    88. she is 24 years old
    89. wears mostly gold jewlery
    90. her favorite number is 40
    91. wears beanies which her mom always hated
    92. whenever she knocks it has to be three times
    93. she and her best friend have a secret handshake that looks kinda childish
    94. she and her best friend like to buy lottery tickets
    95. every Sunday they eat chocolate mint ice cream
    96. Xavier is a tuxedo cat
    97. she has a favorite silly mug and whenever her best friend takes it she throws a fit
    98. cries at inappropriate times during a movie
    99. never got her ears pieced
    100. wore glasses but doesn’t need to anymore (or does she?)

  6. Protagonist is named Spencer.
    Their best friend calls them Spence.
    Spencer is 18.
    Spencer is in senior year of high school.
    Spencer hates math and logic.
    Spencer is jealous.
    Spencer loves breakfast and agrees it is the most important meal of the day.
    Can be a bit mean.
    Scared of love.
    Runs away easily.
    Loves movies.
    Spencer’s place with his friend is the drive-in.
    Hates calc.
    Hates adults.
    Loves popcorn and coke.
    Has a nice small car.
    The car has a large dent in the side.
    Keeps a pair of sunglasses everywhere.
    A bit of a loner.
    Loves friends when not alone.
    Favorite colors are purple and pink.
    Smokes occasionally.
    Can be shifty in emotions.
    Loves anything creative.
    Loves music.
    Loves rock music.
    Favorite song is anything with an edge to it.
    Has a father who left.
    Has a mother who he does not talk to.
    Has no siblings.
    Does not like emotions.
    Doesn’t like parties unless Spencer needs a distraction.
    Likes to be with only close friends.
    Can be fake.
    Often forgets to drink water.
    Not very loving towards themselves.
    Loves sports.
    Loves soccer.
    Loves dusk.
    Loves anything at night.
    Can stay up late too much sometimes.
    Has a reading light next to bed.
    Is currently reading the Beautiful and the Damned.
    Has brown hair.
    Has attractive eyes.
    Always wears the same necklace.
    Plays with the necklace or sleeves of his jacket when he is uncomfortable.
    Has a dog.
    Hates being told what to do.
    Hates authority.
    Does not like advice.
    Worst fear is being loved.
    Slight anger issues.
    Is not opposed to resorting to physical violence.
    Has punched someone before.
    Lots of records in his room.
    Loves milkshakes.
    Lots of posters in his room.
    Plays guitar and sort of piano.
    Not rich, but not poor.
    Sort of well off family.
    Nice ish house.
    Says he would like to never see his dad again.
    Secretly wishes he could see his dad again.
    Lives in a walkable neighborhood.
    Bikes and drives when they don’t feel like walking or running.
    Does not like responsibility.
    Does not take responsibility a lot.
    Has dated a few people.
    Short relationships because they don’t like love.
    Works at a coffee shop.
    Doesn’t know what they want to do as a job.
    Maybe wants to be in a rock band?
    Can be sensitive.
    Hard time with emotional cues.
    Has few regrets.
    Loves the beach.
    Loves dusk.
    Loves to watch the stars.
    Interested in astronomy, but not the math or science parts.
    Loves to read.
    Has a sort of organized bedroom.
    Loves fruit.
    Loves anything athletic.
    Self-harming behaviors.
    Not great at taking care of themselves.
    Mostly hates school.
    Gets ok grades.
    Puts minimal effort into homework.
    Has a small group of friends at school.
    Has a black backpack with colorful patterns.
    Likes to stand out.
    Loves going out.
    Loves being at home alone.
    Plays soccer in the afternoons.

  7. BILLY
    Quieter when around people he doesn’t know
    Louder and more alive with people he’s comfortable with
    More on the introverted side
    Loves to hang out with people but has a shorter social battery
    Recharges his social battery through self care (sitting in bed watching a movie)
    Smile laughs most of the time but no sound comes out
    Belly laughs and is boisterous when he finds something really funny
    Emotions go up and down
    Will suddenly become grumpy
    Always has a runny nose
    Keeps tissues in his front pockets
    Keeps his phone and wallet in his back pockets
    Was born in Seattle, Washington
    He now lives in Boston, Massachusetts
    Loves to watch football, his team is the Seahawks
    Hates heavy rain but loves a drizzle
    Loves sunny but brisk weather
    Autumn is his favorite season
    Christmas is his favorite holiday, mostly because he goes home
    Is a bit of a homebody, but sadly rarely gets to visit
    Is 26 years old
    Has an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering
    Went to MIT for undergrad
    Goes to MIT gor graduate programs still
    Has the Iphone 15
    Has a Macbook for his computer
    Loves animals
    Favorite house animal is cats
    Grew up with 4 cats 1 dog
    Has an orange cat named Beans
    Is not a big coffee drinker
    Drinks Hot Tea and Matcha instead
    Typically eats breakfast at home but sometimes goes to his favorite Cafe down the street Sip Cafe for breakfast
    Favorite meal for breakfast is a Bagel sandwich: sausage, egg and cheese or more complex ones like egg, bacon, avocado, tomato chipotle aioli, pepperjack cheese. Always orders it with Everything Bagel
    Likes savory food over sweet food
    Not a big dessert person
    However, favorite dessert is chocolate lava cake
    Favorite food overall is sushi
    Loves Asian and Mexican cuisine
    Will spend money on food over spending it on clothes and other stuff
    Will also spend money on legos (specifically star wars legos)
    Not a complex fashion sense, simple but classy
    Favors comfortable over pretty
    Has blue eyes
    Has dirty blonde hair
    Has wavy or curlyish hair
    Is 6’3
    Hair is in the fashion of a modern mullet, not buzzed on the sides but shorter
    Puts more work into his hair than his clothes
    Doesn’t have facial hair
    Goes to the gym and is fit but isn’t absolutely jacked.
    Has flat feet, has to wear inserts in his shoes
    Favorite shoe to wear are air forces and underarmour shoes
    Favors Nike over other companies
    Doesn’t use Facebook but has an account
    Instagram is his favored app but is not on there often
    Prefers instagram reels over tik tok
    Goes to classes/does homework Sunday-Friday. Saturday is the day he takes off for himself
    Will hang out with friends on Saturday, self care day, or do a mixture of both
    Has freckles on his face, a lot are centeralized on his cheeks and his nose bridge
    Has moles and freckles on arms and rest of body, not too heavily but spacially scattered
    Usually wakes up, makes breakfast, easts, goes to class, goes to work, comes home and does homework, watches tv, then goes to bed.
    Does not have a current girlfriend
    Dated 4 people before this
    Curious about his sexuality, questioning
    Has his ears pierced
    Has a couple patchwork tattoos
    Is not too picky of an eater
    Hates bell peppers
    Loves spicy food
    His favorite kind of food is Mexican food
    Works at a research lab for MIT
    Is thinking about getting a job as a bartender to make more money
    Played sports as a kid, specifically tennis, lacrosse, and cross country
    Has scars on his knuckles from getting checked in lacrosse
    Used to love to climb trees as a kid
    Very outdoorsy as a kid
    Always played imaginary or with nerf guns outside all summer
    Climbing trees was his favorite activity
    As a kid fell out of tree and broke his arm, that’s the only bone he’s broken
    Billy has 2 siblings, a younger sister and brother who are twins. He is the oldest
    Billy loves his siblings a lot and texts them and calls them all the time
    Billy loves his parents but isn’t as close to his dad as he is his mom
    His siblings are sophomores in college going to NYU
    His dad is 64 years old
    His mom is 58 years old
    He has hitchhiker thumbs
    Billy’s grandparents on his dads side died when he was younger
    Billy’s grandpa on his moms side has died
    Billy’s grandma on his moms side is still alive and well!
    Billy wants to one day go to Budapest and go to the christmas markets
    Billy wants to travel and see the world
    His favorite color is blue, but more like sky blue
    His middle name is Ross
    His last name is Allen
    His friends call him billy, silly billy, and bill. Sometimes more friends add a random nickname
    Billy drives a toyota tacoma, the color is blue
    He has knee problems and has had them his whole life
    He prefers to study alone
    He has a picture of his family in his wallet which makes him feel closer to home.

  8. 1. She always starts her day with a bowl of honey nut cheerios and a glass of orange juice.
    2. Her favorite pair of socks has a hole in the big toe, but she refuses to throw them away.
    3. She keeps a jar of seashells under her bed, each one holding a memory of a different beach trip.
    4. The scar on her left knee is from a skateboarding accident when she was 12.
    5. She has a habit of twirling her hair when she’s deep in thought.
    6. Her first crush was on a boy who lived next door
    7. She’s terrified of spiders but fascinated by their intricate webs.
    8. The sound of rain on her bedroom window always lulls her into a peaceful sleep.
    9. She once won a poetry contest in high school but was too shy to read her work aloud.
    10. She can’t pick a favourite book
    11. She dreams of traveling to Japan someday to see the cherry blossoms in bloom.
    12. The smell of freshly brewed coffee always reminds her of her grandfather.
    13. She has a collection of vintage postcards from cities she hopes to visit one day.
    14. Her go-to comfort food is a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup.
    15. She taught herself how to play the ukulele by watching YouTube tutorials.
    16. The sound of a train whistle in the distance fills her with a sense of wanderlust.
    17. She once dyed her hair blue on a dare but secretly loved how it looked.
    18. Her favorite subject in school is psychology because she loves learning about the human mind.
    19. She keeps a dream journal on her nightstand to record her nocturnal adventures.
    20. The feeling of sand between her toes always makes her feel grounded and at peace.
    21. She has a scar on her right shoulder from a childhood vaccination.
    22. Her favorite movie is “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” because it makes her question the nature of love and memory.
    23. She once got lost in a corn maze for hours but found it strangely exhilarating.
    24. The smell of vanilla always reminds her of baking cookies with her mom.
    25. She has a habit of biting her nails when she’s anxious or stressed.
    26. She knows all the words to every lana del ray song.
    27. She dreams of publishing a novel someday but is too afraid to show anyone her writing.
    28. The sound of a guitar being strummed always makes her feel calm and centered.
    29. She once went skydiving on a whim and found it to be the most terrifying and thrilling experience of her life.
    30. Her favorite color is teal because it reminds her of the ocean.
    31. She has a collection of pressed flowers from different hiking trails she’s explored.
    32. The feeling of a warm cup of tea in her hands always soothes her soul.
    33. She once got a tattoo of a small bird on her ankle but later regretted it.
    34. Her favorite holiday is Halloween because she loves dressing up and being someone else for a night.
    35. She keeps a polaroid camera in her backpack to capture spontaneous moments.
    36. The sound of wind chimes in the breeze always makes her feel nostalgic.
    37. She once went on a solo road trip across the country and discovered a new sense of independence.
    38. Her favorite constellation is Orion because it reminds her of a story her dad used to tell her.
    39. She has a scar on her left elbow from a childhood biking accident.
    40. The smell of lavender always helps her relax and fall asleep.
    41. She has a habit of humming to herself when she’s concentrating on a task.
    42. Her dad was her first heartbreak was
    43. She dreams of immersing herself in different cultures.
    44. The sound of a vinyl record crackling always fills her with a sense of warmth and nostalgia.
    45. She once went on a hot air balloon ride at sunrise and felt like she was floating above the world.
    46. Her favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip because it tastes like a cool breeze on a hot summer day.
    47. She has a collection of vintage maps from different cities she’s visited.
    48. The feeling of a warm hug from a loved one always makes her feel safe and cherished.
    49. She once got lost in a foreign city but found beauty in the unexpected detours.
    50. Her favorite season is autumn because she loves the changing colors of the leaves and the crisp air.
    51. She keeps a polaroid of her childhood dog in her wallet
    52. The sound of a piano being played always transports her to another world.
    53. She once went on a silent retreat
    54. Her favorite scent is the smell of freshly baked bread because it reminds her of home.
    55. She has a habit of collecting interesting rocks and stones from different places she visits.
    56. Her first time on an airplane was when she was 10 years old, and she’s been in love with travel ever since.
    57. She dreams of owning a cozy bookshop someday, filled with the stories she loves.
    58. The feeling of accomplishment after finishing a challenging puzzle always fills her with pride.
    59. She once got lost in a museum for hours, absorbed in the beauty of the artwork.
    60. Her favorite quote is “Not all those who wander are lost” by J.R.R. Tolkien.
    61. She encountered a cooking accident in her first apartment.
    62. The sound of a thunderstorm always makes her feel cozy and introspective.
    63. She once went on a camping trip and saw the most breathtaking view of the stars.
    64. Her favorite breakfast food is blueberry pancakes with a side of crispy bacon.
    65. She keeps a journal full of poetry and song lyrics that inspire her.
    66. The feeling of riding a bike downhill with the wind in her hair always makes her feel free.
    67. She once got a fortune cookie that said “You will travel far and wide, both physically and mentally.”
    68. Her favorite animal is the elephant because of their intelligence and strong family bonds.
    69. She has a habit of collecting vintage postcards from antique shops.
    70. Her first job was working at a local ice cream shop
    71. She dreams of learning to surf someday and riding the waves of the ocean.
    72. The sound of a guitar being fingerpicked always makes her feel wistful.
    73. She once went on a road trip with her best friend
    74. Her favorite flower is the sunflower because it always faces towards the light.
    75. She has a collection of old photographs of her family, each one telling a different story.
    76. The feeling of accomplishment after running a half-marathon always fills her with pride.
    77. She once got lost in a used bookstore for hours
    78. She ia nocturnal
    79. She keeps a lucky penny in her pocket that she found on the sidewalk.
    80. The sound of a choir singing always fills her with a sense of peace and unity.
    81. She once went on a solo hike and found strength in the solitude of nature.
    82. Her favorite dessert is her grandmother’s homemade apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
    83. She has a habit of writing down her dreams in the morning before she forgets them.
    84. Her first concert was seeing her favorite indie band play at a small venue.
    85. She dreams of starting her own non-profit someday
    86. The feeling of walking barefoot on a sandy beach always grounds her.
    87. She once got a temporary tattoo of a phoenix rising from the ashes, symbolizing her resilience.
    88. Her favorite holiday tradition is decorating the Christmas tree with her family while listening to carols.
    89. She keeps a jar full of handwritten notes from friends and loved ones
    90. The sound of a crackling bonfire always makes her feel warm.
    91. She once went on a spontaneous road trip to see the northern lights
    92. Her favorite childhood memory is catching fireflies in a jar on a summer evening.
    93. She hurt herself from stepping on a seashell at the beach.
    94. The smell of old books always transports her to another time and place.
    95. She has a habit of making wishes on dandelions and blowing the seeds into the wind.
    96. She has a pet bird and she resonates with the caged bird
    97. She holds on to hope
    98. The world makes her hate herself
    99. She tried to be somebody she is not
    100. Her favorite quote is “And though she be but little, she is fierce” by William Shakespeare.

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