Takeaways (Weds)

3 responses to “Takeaways (Weds)”

  1. I wanted to recognize the grace and openness with which everyone who had work workshopped this week took so much feedback. I’ve been in an era in my life recently that I’ve been affectionately referring to as “middle-schooler-level of self conscious,” so I was very impressed and inspired by everyone’s professionalism and willingness to engage.

    I have also been reflecting more on how I personally interact with visual and written media. I am a double major in English & FMT (Film, Media, and Theatre,) and oddly, I’ve not done much reflecting in recent memory about how these things overlap for me. I know my English background makes me the sort of person who loves to talk about “the text” and be over-prepared, but I’m also a lover of movie adaptations. There’s something deeper here but I’m not at my best today. I’m sure I’ll be returning to this thought, at some point.

  2. I loved hearing everyone’s thoughts on the paper revisions and I thought that the authors took criticism so well and came up with very thoughtful questions to ask us after!

  3. I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to “care” for a fiction story. The assignment for the fiction story stated that it “must be a piece you care about.” How is a writer suppose to care about a piece? Like I said in class, I invested time in it, so I care about it on that level, and it does include a theme I care about (mental illness.) That said, I don’t feel like I love it enough to keep working on it after this class because there are other themes and kinds of writing which I care more about. That said, I also wonder if I could develop more care my piece it after it is workshopped and I learn how other people respond to it.

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