Week 10 Takeaways (Weds)

4 responses to “Week 10 Takeaways (Weds)”

  1. I really enjoyed thinking about what our stories would be as plants, colors, etc. I didn’t find it difficult—in fact, I was surprised when my intuition led me straight to the choices I made, rather than painful deliberation. I don’t know how much it will help my revision in the long run, but it was helpful to be able to envision certain aspects of the story such as weather, which aren’t directly mentioned.

  2. I really appreciated how much thought my workshop group put into workshopping my piece, how kind they were, and how patient they were with me 🙂

    I found the community-generated stories theoretically frustrating but very fun in practice.

  3. I’m surprised that I didn’t enjoy writing my fiction piece as much as I enjoyed writing my non-fiction piece. I thought, maybe I’m not a fiction writer. Then, I remembered how much fun I had writing the in-class exercises – especially the community-generated stories and the one with the multiple restrictions (veterinarian and philosopher on a busy street,) which makes me think I shouldn’t count fiction out just yet.

  4. I really enjoyed the group writing exercise (I actually did this with my friends too just for fun). It shows that there is always something that we can come up with even if it seems difficult.
    I also think the group workshops are really helpful. It was interesting to see how the others perceived my piece and I realized that there is a lot that I want to change.

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