Form Poems (Tues)

9 responses to “Form Poems (Tues)”

  1. If You Want to be a Good Big Sister

    If you want to be a good big sister,
    Be disgusted
    When your brother
    First shows his face into
    The world.
    Complain to your mother
    How you didn’t want a brother,
    And instead wished for a sister.
    As the days go by,
    Start to warm up to him
    But don’t admit it yet.
    When he’s older,
    Turn him into the sister that
    You never got to have.
    Dress him up,
    In all sorts of things:
    Dresses, skirts, skinny jeans and high heels.
    Paint his nails,
    do his makeup,
    put his hair up,
    Make him pretty.
    Force him to come to your tea parties,
    And make him gossip with Mrs. McStuffins.
    When he starts to grow
    Into his boy identity,
    Make him be the ken to your barbie,
    And force him to play with you and your dolls.

    If you want to be a good big sister,
    When your brother starts to get bigger,
    Don’t let him turn into
    One of those normal teenage dirtbags.
    Show him who is in charge,
    By showing him who is still bigger than him.
    Wrestle him,
    Tickle him,
    Shove him,
    Push his face into the couch and hold it there.
    Make him so mad and angry
    That he cannot yet beat you up.
    Say to him,
    “Maybe one day, little bro.
    But right now is not your time.
    Right now, I rule this house.”

    If you want to be a good big sister,
    Show him what good music sounds like,
    And get him to stop listening to that trashy techno music.
    Teach him indie rock,
    And classic rock,
    And all those genres that were on your Spotify wrapped.
    Show him The Smiths,
    Lord Huron,
    Arctic Monkeys,
    The Neighborhood,
    And The Strokes.

    If you want to be a good big sister,
    Guide him through those hard years,
    Those years from 14-20.
    When he’s trying to find his own identity,
    But he doesn’t know where to start.
    Help him through his first break up,
    The one with the girl who cheated on him.
    He may be acting all tough,
    Not hurt,
    But know deep down that he needs you.
    He needs you to show him
    That its okay to feel his emotions:
    His sadness
    And eventually his hope.
    Show him that just because he is a boy,
    He doesn’t have to be tough,
    But can cry and ask
    “Why did she do this,
    What did I do?”

    If you want to be a good big sister,
    Show your brother how to treat a woman right:
    Respect her choices,
    Respect her body,
    No means no,
    Open doors for her,
    Buy her random gifts,
    Know that periods are hard for her,
    And always listen to her talk.
    But also show him
    how he should be treated in life
    As a strong and respectful man.
    He shouldn’t be
    Walked all over,
    But instead respected for his good manners.
    He shouldn’t be
    Expected to pay for every date,
    Or everything
    Just because he is a man.
    He should be allowed,
    To cry,
    And laugh
    And be disappointed
    And be angry
    And have bad days,
    Just so long as he never takes it out on someone.

    If you want to be a good big sister,
    Just show your brother that it is okay
    To be a human and make mistakes.
    Through all your torture and lessons,
    He will one day see you
    As the good big sister that you are.

  2. Villanelle of a Ghost

    In this house, there is a ghost.
    He pays no rent, to my frustration,
    At least I live down by the coast.

    He’s sneaky when he steals my post,
    Impish when he tramples my vegetation.
    In this house, there is a ghost.

    Oh, and how he likes to boast
    Of his many years of education.
    At least I live down by the coast.

    Today he ate my honey toast,
    and asked about my isolation.
    In this house, there is a ghost.

    I’m forced to play reluctant host,
    As he meddles with this observation.
    At least I live down by the coast.

    Secretly I’m grateful, almost.
    His absurdity quiets my desolation.
    In this house, there is a ghost.
    At least I live down by the coast.

  3. Internet restrictions

    You set your timer for 30 minutes
    Though you plan to stall
    You turn on the power
    Login to your account
    Type in the password
    Play your game
    And play your game
    And right when you are about to lose yourself
    You have obligations

    Set your timer for an hour
    Still plan to stall
    Turn on power
    Login account
    Type password
    Play your game
    And eventually lose yourself
    For but a moment
    Go eat something

    Timer for who knows
    Lose yourself
    Be everywhere
    Have all of it
    All the time
    This is your world now

  4. “The Woods”

    The woods are so deep that I cannot see
    This darkest evening enveloping me
    Silence of the village that god forsake
    As icy and cold as the frozen lake

    But through my lantern I can barely see
    Something so small that it can hardly be
    And the light bounces off a single flake
    And brilliant glow of light it does make

    Then on this evening it begins to snow
    It rests on the hill and the down and the bow
    A kind easy wind then rustles the frost
    And I overcome feel no longer lost

    The wind guides me through its many soft blows
    All the way down to a path that I know
    As I walk, I see a woods pure and glossed
    I shudder to think that I almost crossed

  5. The sun has finally emerged, the darkness seemed perpetual—
    A little boy chases a bee, his feet as fast as lightning.
    The buses pass by and by again bringing people as far as they can go.
    How can one feel trapped in a place so beautiful?

    A little boy chases a bee, his feet as fast as lightning.
    He yells into the air and screams for his mother.
    How can one feel trapped in a place so beautiful?
    With the sunlight, it is easier to make the time slow down.

  6. Things to take note of:
    the feeling of their hand
    the look in their eyes
    the way their face has changed in your eyes
    the feeling of their hair
    the shape of their eyes
    where they liked to be kissed
    how as well
    their favorite movies and tv shows
    definitely their favorite books and songs too
    the classes they take
    the sound of their voice
    what they like about you
    what you like about them

  7. Greed and guilt.
    Should we create a future?
    A generation to fix what we can’t.
    Or is that unfair?
    Is it wrong to want children?
    No one chooses to be born.
    Is it a want born from greed?
    Will guilt inevitably ensue?

  8. Ways to shake off the rut:

    Lay in bed
    Click the snooze when it rings
    5 more minutes
    10 more minutes
    15 minutes. Get up
    Shake it off
    Stretch it out
    Meditate (get a couple of sneaky naps in)
    Sit up right
    Stand up
    Let the sun in
    Run to the sink
    Splash cold water on your face
    Brush teeth
    Get dressed
    Try that new style you’ve been contemplating
    Play that new album you’ve been waiting to listen too
    Dance it out
    Sing it out
    Cry it out
    Scream it out
    Clean it out
    Walk it out
    Get a sip or two of water in
    Order your favorite breakfast food
    Who cares if it’s lunch or dinner
    When the sunsets get into bed
    Close your eyes

    Good Morning

    Repeat it all again

  9. My best friend is a boy
    Who is too gentle for the rest
    He never broke a single toy

    He cares for baby birds with joy
    Dresses up in his Sunday Best
    My best friend is a boy

    He passes me love letters so coy
    But doesn’t see me as a quest
    He never broke a single toy

    He has the face of a newsboy
    Kindly treat strangers as guests
    My best friend is a boy

    He became a ploy
    To the girl who left him depressed
    He never broke a single toy

    I hope he does enjoy
    This poem I wrote in jest
    My best friend is a boy
    He never broke a single toy

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