Haikus (Tues)

9 responses to “Haikus (Tues)”

  1. Growing

    The flowers grow here,
    In the field we stand in now,
    They will bloom very soon.

    I sprout here, in this
    Small crack in the sidewalk. I
    Reach for the blue above.

    My brother grew tall,
    while I was gone. Now I think
    I miss little him.

    The town used to sleep
    at night, but now it has grown
    Into a young city.

  2. Warm sun on the rocks
    The wind nipping at my skin
    I still need a coat

    Black and yellow scales
    A dirt road faint with tire tracks
    Slithering in place

    Island irises
    The house’s wifi password
    Pink, purple, fuchsia

    Crystal clear water
    Your water shoes are a must
    Look for the crawfish

  3. Jealousy

    I’ve got jealousy
    It’s spelled out on my forehead
    Like a sin — is it?

    Forever staring,
    Staring at their everything
    It’s what I deserve

    This place is unfair
    They should be miserable
    Hopeless, without me

    They say it’s deadly
    Envy sits with the rest
    Sinful, poisonous.

    I have burnt a bridge
    Hungry for the other side
    It cannot be fixed.

  4. Social Media

    friends all in my phone
    face is gleaming with them all

    silently i watch
    would join but can’t bear to make
    myself visible

    as i have dinner
    they’re getting out of bed, all
    the way over there

  5. Mountain to climb up
    Only to fall the way down
    And to start again

    Clear all in the way
    Turn just for a moment gone
    It has all returned

    Be done and breathe
    Before sighing and moving
    Hold your breath again

  6. The drywall lifts up
    I cover it with posters
    Comfort found away

    Spilling off my bed
    Knick knacks from my home galore

    The window shade breaks
    I wish it could be bigger
    The sun awakes me

  7. A face different
    I stare at your face often
    Not often enough

    Whispers in my room
    Sleepy roommate with love
    I am so gracious

    Blanch is so special
    no one loves Blanch like I do
    let’s go sit in Blanch

  8. Haikus on Spring

    Kicking up the dew
    On sunshine kissing mornings
    Childhood once again

    The birds chase each other
    Flit and flirt, they tweet and talk
    Spring rebirths the birds

    Daffodils blooming
    Yolk yellow centers
    While the trees explode in pink

  9. Never said goodbye
    That word is too final see
    Now I cry with ease

    Doe eyes round and brown
    Twitching wet nose as wind blows
    Staring deep, legs froze

    He does not love me
    Love me, he does not know how
    Does not, or won’t? Ow.

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