Final Takeaways & Reflections (Weds)

This is a space for your final thoughts on our time together.

3 responses to “Final Takeaways & Reflections (Weds)”

  1. I loved being in this class, not only because of how much I’ve learned, but because I got to watch everyone else learn and grow too! I had so much fun talking & writing with everyone, and this class felt like such a safe space. Everyone’s final projects were amazing and I’m so glad I got to witness them!

  2. I’ve learned so much being in this class, and I became a lot more confident in myself writing as a STEM major. All of the final projects were so creative and amazing, and we also had some great actors! I loved the bond that we all have with each other, and I will miss you all very much. I hope we stay in touch :))

  3. I’ll use this space as another chance to express gratitude for this beautiful writing community cultivated by Professor Cassarino and my classmates through mutual respect and high level work.

    This class was a joy, a bright spot each week though the semester. It was also a safe place to be vulnerable with information about myself that hasn’t really been shared before.

    With the arch through the genres of creative writing, the thoughtfully chosen readings, the fun writing exercises, the mutual feedback, the sharing of inspiring work — along with Professor Cassarino’s wisdom and sharing of her own work, this class has opened a door to creative expression, therapeutic expression, finding community, potential income, and more.

    I also want to mention that I was so touched by the reception of my little booklet of haikus.

    It seems a shame to say goodbye. I hope I see some of you in future classes, and I wish each of you so much joy!

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