Review of Philip Fehling and Hans-Jürgen Burchardt. Eds. Taxation and Inequality in Latin America. New Perspectives on Political Economy and Tax Regimes (Routledge, 2023) in Journal of Latin American Studies, 2023, Vol. 55, pp. 739-741.
“What Role for Modern Services in Latin America’s Economic Development?” in Amitava Krishna Dutt, Nora Lustig, Juan Carlos Moreno Brid, Jose Antonio Ocampo. eds. Economic Development, Economic Growth and Income Distribution: Structuralist Perspectives on Latin America and Beyond. Edward Elgar (forthcoming).
“Global Value Chains in Agriculture and the Middle-Income Trap: A Framework for Analysis Applied to Peru’s Boom,” Journal of Development Studies. 2023. (with Luis Abugattas and Maria Amparo Cruz-Saco).
“The Challenge of Productivity-based Development: Innovation Gaps and Economic Structure in Latin America,” European Journal of Development Research. 2023. (with Mike Robinson).
“Firm Level Innovation, Government Policies, and the Middle Income Trap: Insights from Five Latin American Countries,” CEPAL Review, 2022, No. 137, 97-120 (with Mike Robinson).
“Firm Innovation in Africa and Latin America: Heterogeneity and Country Context,” Industrial and Corporate Change, 2022, 31, 338-357 (with Michael Robinson and Fiona Tregenna).
“Firm Innovation in Africa and Latin America: Heterogeneity and Country Context,” South African Reserach Chair in Industrial Development, University of Johannesburg, Working Paper WP 2022-02, January 2022 (with Michael Robinson and Fiona Tregenna).
Review of José Antonio Alonso and José Antonio Ocampo. Eds. Trapped in the Middle? Developmental Challenges for Middle-Income Countries (Oxford University Press, 2020) in Journal of Economic Literature, June 2021, 663-665.
“The Political Economy of the Middle Income Trap: The Challenges of Advancing Innovation Capabilities in Latin America, Asia and Beyond,” Journal of Development Studies, 2020, April (with Nahee Kang) [Introduction to special section], 651-656.
“Innovation Strategies Matter. Latin America’s Middle Income Trap Meets China and Globalization,” Journal of Development Studies, 2020, 657-679.
“Industrial Hubs and Structural Transformation in Latin America: Lessons from Costa Rica,” in Oqubay, Arkebe and Justin Yifu Lin, eds. 2020. The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Development, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 815-835.
“The Middle Income Trap: Lessons from Latin America,” in Bihong Huang, Peter J. Morgan, Naoyuki Yoshino. Eds. 2018. Avoiding the Middle Income Trap in Asia. The Role of Trade, Manufacturing and Finance. Asian Development Bank Institute, Japan, 60-105.
“Celebrating International Education while Closing Minds and Borders?” New England Board of Higher Education, Nov 6, 2018.
“Latin America and the Middle Income Trap,” in José M. Salazar-Xirinachs and Jorge Cornick. Eds. 2017. The Lima Brainstorming Sessions. Productive Development Policies, Inclusive Growth, and Job Creation,” ILO, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, 31-55.
“Las estratégias de desarrollo industrial en Costa Rica: Cuando el cambio structural y la acumulación de capacidades divergen en el ámbito nacional,” in José M. Salazar-Xirinachs, Irmgard Nübler, and Richard Kozul-Wright. Eds. 2017. Transformando las Economías. Geneva: International Labor Organization, 201-234.
Lange, Kirk, Eva Paus, and Joanne Picard. 2017. “Case Study: MHC Partnership with the Monteverde Institute and Goucher,” in Saroj Siegler Quinn, International Partnership Development Today: Insights and Best Practices from Case Studies, NAFSA, Association of International Educators, 29-31.
“Escaping the Middle Income Trap: Innovate or Perish,” Asian Development Bank Institute, ADBI Working Paper No. 685, 2017.
Chinese translation in Journal of Translation from Foreign Literature in Economics, Xiamen University, China, 2017, 3, 173.
“Un golpe de timón para evitar la trampa del ingreso medio: del fomento de la IED a las políticas productivistas coherentes,” in Alicia Puyana and Agostina Costatino. Eds. Las relaciones internacionales de América Latina. Consideraciones sobre las transformaciones socio-económicas. Mexico City: FLACSO, 2016.
“La globalización y la trampa del ingreso medio. Lecciones de política para los países pequeños,” in Ricardo Torres, Omar Everleny Perez, Fulvio Castellacci, and Claes Brundenius. eds. Cuba en un Nuevo Escenario. Perspectivas de desarrollo económico. Havana, Cuba: Acuario Press, 2015, 17-31.
“Making the Lynk at Mount Holyoke: Institutionalizing Integrative Learning,” Fall 2014-Spring 2015, Peer Review (with Eleanor Townsley and Becky Wai-Ling Packard)
“Industrial Development Strategies in Costa Rica: When Structural Change and Domestic Capability Accumulation Diverge,” in Irmgard Nubler, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs and Richard Kozul-Wright. eds. Industrial Policy for Economic Development: Lessons from Country Experiences. Geneva: International Labour Organization, 2014.
“Latin America and the Middle Income Trap,” Working Paper 250, Financing for Development Series, ECLAC, June 2014.
“Getting Development Right,” in Eva Paus. ed. 2013. Getting Development Right. Structural Change, Inclusion and Sustainability in the Post-Crisis Era. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan,
“Globalization and the Middle Income Trap: a Capabilities-Based Approach with a Focus on Latin America,” in UNDP, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy. Challenges of the Middle-Income Countries. Seoul Debates. Seoul, 2013, 59-63.
“Can Latin America Escape the Middle Income Trap? Lessons from a Transregional Comparison,” LASA Forum, Spring 2012, 20-21.
“Confronting the Middle Income Trap. Insights from Small Latecomers,” Studies in Comparative International Development, 2012, 47: 115-138 [Introduction to a special issue on the Middle Income Trap edited by the author].
“The Rise and Fall of the Celtic Tiger. When Deal-Making Trumps Developmentalism,” Studies in Comparative International Development, 2012, 47: 161-184.
“Latin America’s Middle Income Trap,” Americas Quarterly. Winter 2011: 71-76.
“China’s FDI in Latin America,”CLAVES de la Economía Mundial, Madrid, 2011.
“Learning from the Chinese Dragon. Towards Costa Rica Inc.” Op-ed piece in El Financiero (Costa Rica) Febr 21, 2010.
Review of “Diego Sánchez-Ancochea and Iwan Morgan. Eds. The Political Economy of the Public Budget in the Americas,” in Journal of Latin American Studies. 2010.
“The Rise of China: Implications for Latin American Development,” Development Policy Review. 2009, 419-56.
“Foreign Investment and Economic Development in Costa Rica: the Unrealized Potential,” in Daniel Chudnovsky and Kevin P. Gallagher, eds. Rethinking Foreign Investment for Development. London: Anthem Press, 2009 (with Jose Cordero).
“Policy Space for a Capability-Centered Development Strategy for Latin America” in Ken Shadlen and Diego Sánchez-Ancochea Responding to Globalization in the Americas. The Political Economy of Hemispheric Integration. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, 113-143 (with Luis Abugattas).
“Missing Links: Foreign Investment and Industrial Development in Costa Rica and Mexico,” Studies in Comparative International Development.2008, 42 (with Kevin Gallagher).
“The Rise of China,” MHC Alumnae Quarterly. Summer 2008: 22-23.
“Increasing Study Abroad Participation…It’s the Faculty!” Frontiers. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 2008, 33-49 (with Michael Robinson).
“Winners and Losers from Offshore Outsourcing. What is to be done?” in Paus, ed. Global Capitalism Unbound. Winners and Losers from Offshore Outsourcing. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 3-20.
“Capturing the Benefits of Offshore Outsourcing for Developing Countries: The Case for Active Policies,” in Paus, ed. Global Capitalism Unbound. Winners and Losers from Offshore Outsourcing. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007: 215-228 (with Helen Shapiro).
“Policy Space for a Capability-Centered Development Strategy for Latin America,” (with Luis Abugattas), Latin American Network of Trade Policy, Working Paper, 2007.
“Reflections of a New U.S. Citizen,” in Michael Berndt and Amy Muse, eds. Composing a Civic Life: A Rhetoric and Readings for Inquiry and Action. New York et al.: Person Longman, 2007:25-26.
“Global Education for all Students: Innovation and Integration in Expanding Learning Abroad,” Teagle Foundation White Paper, August 2007 (with Jale Okay and Joanne Picard).
“Desarrollo industrial en un mundo global: políticas ‘proactivas’ para un país pequeño en desarrollo,” Programa Estado de la Nación. 12 Informe. San Jose, Costa Rica, 2006.
“The Missing Links between Foreign Investment and Development: Lessons from Costa Rica and Mexico,” (with Kevin Gallagher), Global Development and Environment Institute (at Tufts University), Working Paper 2006-01.
“Productivity Growth in Latin America: The Limits of Neo-liberal Reforms,” World Development. 2004, 427-445.
“Trade Liberalization and Productivity Growth in Latin American Manufacturing,” Journal of Policy Reform 2003, 1-16 (with Nola Reinhardt and Mike Robinson).
Commentary on “Jane D’Arista, Keith Griffin, and Lisa Jordan: Democratizing Global Economic Governance,” Working Paper No. 26 of the Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2001, 28-32.
“Real Wage Performance under Greater Trade Openness: Lessons from Latin America and Asia,” Journal of Developing Areas, 1999, 269-288 (with Mike Robinson).
“Structural Adjustment and Competitiveness in Transition Economies: Lessons from the East German Manufacturing Sector,” World Development, 1998, 1839-1857.
“The Implications of Increasing Economic Openness for Real Wages in Developing Countries, 1973-90,” World Development, 1997, 537-547 (with Mike Robinson).
“Exports and the Consolidation of Peace,” in James Boyce, ed., Economic Policy for Building Peace: The Lessons of El Salvador. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1996: 247-278.
Review of “Carol Graham, Safety Nets, Politics, and the Poor: Transition to Market Economies,” in Journal of Developing Areas. 1996, 400-403.
“Exports, Economic Growth and the Consolidation of Peace in El Salvador,” World Development, 1995, 2173-2193.
“Economic Growth through Neo-liberal Restructuring? Insights from the Chilean Experience,” The Journal of Developing Areas October 1994, 31-56.
Review of “Rosemary Thorp, Economic Management and Economic Development in Peru and Colombia,” in Hispanic American Historical Review. 1993, 176-177.
“Review of “Ricardo Paredes and Luis A. Riveros, eds. Human Resources and the Adjustment Process,” in Hispanic American Historical Review, 1992.
“Adjustment and Development in Latin America: The Failure of Peruvian Heterodoxy, 1985-90,” World Development, 1991, 411-434.
“The Caribbean Basin Initiative and Economic Development: The Missing Links,” Latin American and Caribbean Contemporary Record, Vol. VIII, 1990.
“Review of William A. Canak, ed., Lost Promises: Debt, Austerity, and Development in Latin America,” in Journal of Developing Areas. 1990, 412-414.
“Direct Foreign Investment and Economic Development in Latin America: Perspectives for the Future,” Journal of Latin American Studies, 1989, 221-239.
“The Political Economy of Nontraditional Export Growth: Argentina and Brazil in the 1970s,” Journal of Developing Areas, Jan. 1989, 173-200.
“Economic Development in Central America and the Caribbean: The Role of Nontraditional Exports,” In: Paus, ed. Struggle Against Dependence, Westview Press, 1988, 1-17.
“A Critical Look at Nontraditional Export Demand: the Caribbean Basin Initiative,” In: Paus, ed. Struggle Against Dependence, Westview Press, 1988 Struggle Against Dependence: 193-213.
“The Theory of Unequal Exchange: An Indictment, Review of Radical Political Economics, Spring 1987, 90-97 (with David Houston).
“El crecimiento industrial tras la sustitución de importaciones en el Perú,” Apuntes (Lima), Segundo Semestre 1985, 17: 3-21.
“La industria textil y de confecciones en el Perú”, In: Ministerio de Industria, Comercio, Turismo e Integración, Desarrollo y Planeamiento Industrial (Lima: Promotores Andinos, 1985: 123-132.
“Manufactured Export Growth in Latin America in the 1970s: Reflection of Improved Competitiveness? Diskussionsbeiträge Nr. 37, Ibero-Amerika Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, University of Göttingen, Germany, 1985.
“La dinamica de la acumulacion y del empleo en la industria textil colombiana durante los 70: de la promocion de exportaciones al contrabando,” Coyuntura Economica (Bogota) 1982, 129-175.