“Seeking sound and seeking sight.”

Panel nine in the box for the artwork, Horizons. 10 x 12 x 16 inches. Acrylic paint, plexiglass, finished plywood, and LED lights. 2020.

This work, Horizons, explores light, transparency, abstraction, and non-traditional book materials. The poem within, accompanied by abstract paintings , describes travel across various locations but does not hint at the twist in the final line.

Read here for more about Horizons.

DNA of Books

A photo of the double helix of Our World from the top. 5 x 5 inches. Acrylic paint, white paper, black ink, invisible ink, and black book cloth. 2020.

Our World is an experimental book structure using a double helix as its pages. The art also explores the relationship between the three academic strands: STEM, Social Sciences, and Humanities, in connection to the concept of knowledge about earth and the world around us. Read more about the work here.

Other Worlds

In these hard, stressful, and unusual times artwork can provide a window of escape. Most especially books and music, with their ability to create other worlds into which we can escape for hours. This artist’s book, In Praise of Style, combines both music and books in its ode to the song, Élan, by Nightwish.

For the song, Élan, please see this link to Nightwish’s official youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WsOaSUXRHE

For more about this work, see this page.