Books, Papers, Words

In combination of books, papers, and words, Of Words, considers the importance of language, communication, and power that words hold in our lives.

This work uses handmade, abaca paper and tracing paper in elegant simplicity to focus the work on the stenciled phrase found within and to lend in more weight. Read more about this work here.

A Narrative of Trust

Examining the interaction between poetry, images, and books, Find\Trust tells the narrative of trust. It also takes a look at the necessity of audience participation with artist books and removes some of the control through use of video projection (not included in the images).

Read more about this work here.

All Answers, Some Questions

This most recent artwork, Just Answers, pushes against the boundaries of what is an artist book, dives into a highly conceptual realm about the relationship between answers and their questions.

How does an answer relate to the question which generated it? Which is more important, the answer or the question? What is an answer without a question? Are a few questions that this work raises as it explores words, language, responses, and interaction within art. Read more here.

Five Works and Five Perspectives

Relationships are a constant in our lives, whether through family, friends, significant others, and beyond. Many of us also have multiple types of relationships at any given time. The artworks: Bound, Passion, Broken, Support, and Devotion, make up a collection of artists books called Five Perspectives. Each explore a single type of relationship through poetry, words, and symbolism.

Read more about this work here.

Reflecting Back, Propelling Forward

A detail photograph of the fishing line used in the work, 2019.

The artwork, Standing Under, reflects on my process as an artist creating work. It looks at my process of questioning the world, pulls from the past with my desire to involve the audience, and is propelling me into my future projects with a better understanding of my own work and intentions.

An image with both the art and it label next to it, 2019.

It has helped me pare down to the heart of my work. Read more about the work here.

A person attempting to walk through the artwork, 2019.