Community of Paper

Yesterday’s Tomorrow

Wide shot of all seven poems over nine booklets displayed in their custom wooden box.
Wide shot of poems collection; 2018.

A series of booklets connected with handmade kozo paper thread each containing a poem. These poems are: “The Wanderer,” “Silent Cry,” “The Lonely Willow,” “Lives of the Leaves (3 Parts),” The Deep of Winter,” “Lifeless,” “In Conclusion,” and were written and edited over a decade.

A close up riffle shot of the edge of one of the booklets with a focus on the off-white, rough but supple paper quality.
Close up riffle shot; 2018

The story of these poems reflects the climactic plot rise of a narrative and intends to convey a sense of winter, the traditional season for making paper. The books have a very large sensory impact, the tactile feel of the handmade paper, the sound of the pages being turned, the faint smell of the fiber, the soft off-white of the paper and the gray to black of the ink. Beyond this, the books are bound together with lengths of paper thread, both indicating the order in which they are intended to be read and creating a shared community experience when multiple people interact with the collection simultaneously.

Sample page of “Life of the Leaves: The Burnishing,” 2018.

Handmade kozo paper, paper thread, sumi ink, wood, nails; 2018. Full size, approx. 24in x 36in x 2in, individual books vary from 3in x 4in x 0.5in to 4in x 8in x 0.5in. This was made for the class, Japanese Papermaking and Aesthetics.

An image of the poem “The Wanderer,” 2018.

When things…

The Void

Overall view of the installation, 2017.

An installation intended to require thought from the audience when interacted with. The work ignores spacing between words and zigzags the letters, demanding viewers to slow down and puzzle through the phrase. This is intended to also prompt thought as to the meaning, what “things” and what “void.”

Depth shot of the art in winter, 2017.

There were also considerations taken in the placement as an outdoor installation. The paint allowed the end of the sentence to standout more, yet when the snow fell the reverse effect happened, helping to encourage more thought behind the meaning of the piece to viewers who saw it in both conditions. This was made for the class, Sculpture I.




Wood, wood glue, black and white paint, ground stakes, 2017.

Expanded Jewelry Collection


Clear and pink seed beads, metal and glass pendant, cotton thread, metal necklace clasp, glue, approx. ??in, 2016.

Forest Moss

White and green seed beads, metal and stone pendant, cotton thread, metal necklace clasp, glue, approx. ??in, 2016.

Summer of 2016

Hand Drawing

Image of a spontaneous hand drawing, approx. 3in x 3in, 2016.

Dragon’s Blood

White and red seed beads, metal and plastic pendant, cotton thread, metal necklace clasp, glue, approx. ??in, 2016.

AP Art Portfolio; Concetration

The Tile Game

Full view of Tile Game including smaller filler tiles, 2016.

A collection of unique clay tiles fashioned to create differently designed zen gardens.

The first tile in the collection to be made, 2016.

The contained ponds can hold small amounts of water and there are various dimples across the tiles to hold marbles.

Lion gate sentinals with the female on the left and male on the right, 2016.

It can be interacted with as either a game or a meditation tool.

Frog Pond, 2016.

The meditation is to arrange the tiles as one wants, fill the ponds, and place the marbles around the garden.

Gazeboo tile with the river, 2016.

The game is designed as a community work with two rules.

Tree with bird’s nesting hallow, 2016.

One: place one tile on the playing space, fill one pond, or place one marble.

Full shot of the Koi Pond, 2016.

Two: respect the choices of the players before you and leave everything in the playing space as it is.

Detail of the Dragon Fountain on the Koi Pond tile, 2016.

All of these are designed based on asian styled architecture found through research or during Megan’s visit to China.

Gazeboo tile with the river, 2016.

Clay, glaze, water, marbles, 2015-16.

Stone arch, 2016.

Created for Advanced Placement Art for Megan’s concentration work.

Shinto gate with the Chinese word for ‘Peace’, 2016.