Standing Under

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Hundreds of filmy strands of fishing line hang down creating a visible curtain in a passageway. The viewer is prompted to interact and walk through the curtain. Upon doing so, the line tangles, catching them and forcing them to careful unwork all the strands so as to continue through. Looking up to the boards from which the line falls, one might notice the fishing hooks under which a person interacting with the installation walks. 

Standing Under reflects on my process of creating art. From the very start, I often asks questions of the world around us and our interaction with it. From there I continued to the idea of the question mark, ‘?.’ However the question mark seemed too blunt and directly to the point, so I rotated it to a fishing hook. While I often start and end with questions, much of my work is also about involving the audience, whether interactive or prompting deeper consideration. Here, I directly involve the audience, going so far as to “catch” them in the fishing line, a solid, strong and clear material. Even beyond my process and the materials used, it touches on questions of ethics, considering aspects such as forced interaction, safety, and placement.