This series of work reflects on my time living in East Meredith, NY, during the spring of 2021. Living in a rural setting for the first time, I was struck by the agrarian architecture and how the politics differed from Brooklyn.
Cross Word
Cross Word, stop-motion animation, 1 minute 12 seconds, 2021
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Cross Word, artists books, newspaper and ink on folded copy paper, dimensions vary between 1 and 11 in, 2021
Cross Word features three small artist books manipulated into a stop-motion animation video. Each book uses clippings from the county newspaper, including found poetry made from crossword clues. The work comments on feelings of mystery and threat living in an area where I do not know my neighbors and signs that read “Jesus is the only way” mark the roads.
New to Farming
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New to Farming, artists books, newspaper, acrylic paint, and colored pencil on folded copy paper and index cards, dimensions vary between 3 and 11 in, 2021
New to Farming explores the agrarian architecture of East Meredith through three artist books. One book folds to become a building itself with newsprint standing in for woodgrain. Another uses colored pencil to detail architectural fragments that play off of the content and geometry of news clippings.