Body Map was a 1 hour 45 minute performance piece that resulted in site specific installation. This performance focused on the specific aspects of my art making; the tactility of my process. Focusing on my physical and tactile connection to materials, this performance unveiled the full body process of how I transform my materials and environment over an extended period of time. I began by calibrating my body to the space. Using the yarn that was attached to my right forearm, I connected it to a single point of connection on the wall. I then began to move through a movement score following the guideline to receive, connect, rest, and repeat. While moving through the space I became increasingly connected to the environment and energy and proceeded to become one with the space and yarn. Focusing on the tension of the yarn, I pushed the boundaries of the lines that were made. By releasing and adding tension to the yarn, I was able to transform the entire environment to my body; creating the sensation that the space was alive and breathing with me. 

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