My work is a multimedia interactive installation consisting of recycled water bottles and plastic bags. Using found materials that have reached the end of their purpose, I recycled and reused these materials to give them a second meaning. After being washed, cut up, and looped together, these recycled water bottles were hung from the ceiling in an organic shape. The overall form of the installation is in a loose spiral shape, which creates a path for the viewer to enter and explore. The spiral has been known to represent the consciousness of nature beginning from its center and expanding outwardly. The undefined shape of the mass of water bottles is a reflection of the uncountable amount of plastic products people consume on a daily basis. According to the Earth Day Network, an estimated amount of one million plastic bottles are bought every minute and only about 23% are recycled in the US. Reflecting on that, this piece is a commentary on the usage of single-use plastic products and how much of a growing impact it’s having on our environment. After all, “just one bottle” adds up over time.

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