
I truly think time has never gone faster in my life, which was surprising because I’ve been in college for a while. I’ve experienced the semester as a length of time. My theory is that the concept of 5 months abroad sounds a lot more intimidating and life changing and all-encompassing than it actually is, but simultaneously (because it feels like re-starting college) I think I somehow expected it to last 4 years. But it won’t and soon I suspect it’ll feel like a strange dream.

Again, this isn’t to say I haven’t changed or had amazing experiences and learned about myself and accomplished what I come here to do. It’s just unbelievable that I’ll be leaving in exactly a week and I don’t know when I’ll be able to come back.

I’ve been thinking about what I’ll miss as well: Laugenbrötchen, my room and its windows and beautiful light and hardwood floors, my friends & meeting new people so often.

Recently, I went to Hohenzollern and then up north to the Göttingen/Hannover area. Seeing Hohenzollern from afar over the hills and on the train and then finally being able to walk up to it, slowly curving around its passages, was my favorite part. For those counting at home, this brings my castle count to 5 (Tübingen, Heidelberg, Prague, Sigmaringen and Hohenzollern)!

I stayed with my former exchange partner near Göttingen and we went to Hannover for the day to enjoy touristy activities. Highly recommend Herrenhäuser Gärten! We also took lots of walks with her dog, made pizza, laughed through a few bad sci fi movies and watched the WM finale. I’m glad I had the opportunity to see her again at the end of my trip, because I helped me think about how much I’ve grown since I was first there 4 years ago.

My final weekend in Tübingen has consisted of going out to Kuckuck once more, using up the Gutscheine from the booklet that the city gives you, taking finals and writing papers.

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