What is Renegades?

Renegades is Mount Holyoke’s tabletop gaming club! This includes roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons, Monster of the Week, and Pathfinder (although we run games with other systems too), and just plain old board games.

How do I join?

You can join our mailing list at the involvement fair at the beginning of each semester or mid-semester by joining on Embark!

Is previous experience or anything else required?

No! Many of our members didn’t start playing until college. You don’t even need your own dice, you can borrow some from our library, The Hoard.

How does Game Sorting work?

At the beginning of each semester the Game Managers (GM’s) give their pitches and we send out a form where you can rank your choices. We then run everything through a very cool algorithm and you get placed in a game!

Note: late placements are possible within the first week-ish of games beginning, but nothing is guaranteed, so be sure to attend the Sorting or email us ASAP if you can’t!

Do I have to go every week?

Some games can accommodate more absences than others, and some games are designed to be drop in, drop out. The GM should make this clear during game sorting.

Can I run a game?

Yes, once you’re a licensed GM. We are currently revising our GM licensing process, so stay tuned for updates.

What if there’s a problem in my game?

To reach out to Anna, our Ombudsperson, fill out the grievance form over on the Forms page, send her an email here, or drop by her Ombuddy hours:

Wednesdays from 4:30 – 5:45 pm at this Zoom link.