Safety Systems

A safety system is a way to make sure everyone at the table feels safe and is having a good time! All Renegades games employ multiple safety systems: lines and veils, an in-game interruption, and post-session check-ins.

Lines and Veils

A line is a topic that should NEVER be brought up at the game table. A veil is something that can be brought up, but should be only implied, brushed over, or mentioned briefly. GMs will send their players a fully anonymous form to collect any lines and veils that they may have. 

GMs, make sure you avoid planning anything related to your players’ lines and veils. Players, make sure to respect the lines and veils of the game, and remember that your GM might have lines and/or veils as well! Everyone should know what the lines and veils are before they come to the table. As the leaders of the game, GMs are responsible for making sure players have easy access to a list of lines and veils for the table.

In-Game Interruption

In case the topic of the game moves into uncomfortable territory, GMs should also establish some form of in-game interruption. There are many things this could be, but the most common ones are colored notecards, messaging the GM in some way, knocking under the table, or saying “cut”. Anyone at the table can use the in-game interruption, if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe for any reason. This could be because a line or veil was crossed, or for another reason.

If an in-game interruption is used, everyone at the table should move on from the current topic and refrain from discussing said topic again. GMs, make sure you are leading the game in a respectful way and pay attention to all players so that you don’t miss an in-game interruption. Players, respect in-game interruptions, pay attention to each other, and try not to derail the conversation into uncomfortable territory.

Post-Session Check In

The final safety system is the post-session check in. This can vary widely between games, but usually just means the GM informally checks in with the group once the session is over. Players, this is the best time to ask the GM to implement changes in future sessions. GMs, this is the time to make sure the players had fun and to ask your players to do something differently in future sessions.


Ideally, problems should be solved between members of the game interpersonally. However, if this does not work, you can contact the Renegades Ombudsperson for assistance through email or Grievance Form. You can also go to the Ombudsperson’s office hours or arrange a meeting at some other time. 

All Renegades members should remember that game safety is everyone’s responsibility. While GMs lead the game and are in charge of the safety systems of their game, players also impact game safety and must respect the safety systems in place at all sessions. Make sure to, above all else, pay attention to each other and respect each other’s boundaries.