
1.What features of this photographic portrait stand out for you? 2. Does this photograph contain an expression of the photographer’s attitude towards its subject? 3. What does the photograph convey about the person portrayed in it? 4. How does learning that the person in the photograph is the photographer’s wife change your understanding of it if at all?
Alfred Steiglitz, Georgia O’Keefe, 1923, Museum of Modern Art, New York
  1. 这张摄影肖像有什么特色?
  2. 这张照片是否包含摄影师对其主题的态度的表达?
  3. 這張照⽚傳達出關於裡⾯⼈物的什麼?
  4. 得知照片中的人是摄影师的妻子有改变你对它的理解嗎?
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