
1. What strikes you about this portrait? 2. What do you make of the flowers painted in a cartoon-like style that surround the man in the picture? 3. What attitude does the sitter have in this portrait? 4. Does the painting express a specific attitude about the man in the portrait? 5. Is your attitude toward the painting changed when you know that it is one of a series of watercolors that the artist painted of men of African descent and that this painting is of a man in Brazil?
Kehinde Wiley, Michael Borges Study, 2008, Mount Holyoke College Art Museum
  1. 这幅肖像的特别之处是什么?
  2. 你认为卡通式的花卉围绕在画面中的人是什么意思?
  3. 这幅肖像中的这个人有什么态度?
  4. 这幅画是否表达了对肖像中人的具体态度?
  5. 当你知道它是艺术家一系列描绘的非洲人的水彩画,而这幅画是描绘一个巴西男人,你对绘画的态度改变了吗?
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