
抽象主义抽象艺术通常被称为非代表性艺术。 这是因为这样的艺术背离了曾经的标准假设,艺术代表人(和其他生物),地方和事物的真实世界。 但从二十世纪初开始,艺术家开始画不容易识别的东西。 这个单位的绘画都是这种抽象艺术的例子。 在你看完绘画和讨论绘画之后,哲学单位将提出关于抽象主义的问题。

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1. What are the most prominent features of this painting? 2. How does the presence of the intersecting tan and green figures affect your experience of the painting? The large black circle? 3. Are there any elements of the painting that remind you of landscapes? Of anything else? 4. Do you think this painting is beautiful?      1. What features of this painting strike you right away? 2. Does the painting remind you of anything? 3. If it does, do you think the painting is not really abstract? 4. How does the title of the painting affect your viewing of it? Do you know what “victory” and “boogie woogie” refer to?      1. How does this painting differ from the other abstract paintings you have seen? 2. How do the large, rectangular fields of color affect you? 3. What do you think the artist is trying to communicate? 4. Do you think this painting is beautiful?

