Description of Pronunciation
The grapheme {ll} pronounced /ʎ/ in Old Spanish and /j/ in modern. {u} {v} were interchangeable in Latin and in the old text they still are to some extent. The phoneme /ß/ was beginning to be used in place of /v/ and /b/. In the text the grapheme {y} is generally pronounced /j/ however in some cases it is used as a stand in for /i/. In Old Spanish the grapheme {z} is pronounced as /s/. The grapheme {ç} is pronounced /t∫ /. The grapheme {i} is generally pronounced as /i/ however it is occasionally pronounced as a yod depending on what its preceded or followed by. The grapheme {h} is still pronounced in Old Spanish, it was not lost until later on. The diphthongs {ue} and {ui} are pronounced /we/ and /wi/ respectively.