
      1. What features of this portrait stand out? 2. How do you think Matisse felt about the woman in the portrait? 3. If you discovered that the woman was Matisse’s wife, how would that affect your understanding of the painting? 4. Is this painting beautiful? Is Mme. Matisse beautiful? Does that matter?       Michael Borges Study, Kehinde Wiley, 2008      

4. 美丽是你用来称赞你最喜欢的肖像的唯一术语吗?试想出评价这幅画的其他术语,但不仅仅是把它称为美丽?例如,你可能赞美你最喜欢的肖像是准确,表达,亲密等等 。这些其他术语对于你对绘画的理解是否重要?


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