
      1. What features of this portrait stand out? 2. How do you think Matisse felt about the woman in the portrait? 3. If you discovered that the woman was Matisse’s wife, how would that affect your understanding of the painting? 4. Is this painting beautiful? Is Mme. Matisse beautiful? Does that matter?       Michael Borges Study, Kehinde Wiley, 2008      

5. 一些哲学家认为,我们对自己⼼靈的認知不同于我们对他人⼼靈的認知。你认为这是真的吗?也就是说,你以不同的方式知道你自己的心态。你对自己的知识比你对别人的知识更加确定吗?怎样更确定?自画像的特点跟其他人的肖像是否一樣的区别?这些区别与自我知识和其他人心中的知识之间的区别有关吗?

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