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Arcane School: Enchantment

The study of the mind and how to manipulate it is your area of expertise. You gain the following abilities each time you take this trait.

Enchanted Charm: When first selecting this spell school, you can take advantage a number of times per 24 hours equal to 3 + your Proficiency Score to any Charisma based skill check. You can choose to boost this ability twice more. The first boost grants this same bonus to saving throws (though it draws from the same number of times per 24 hours) against spells with the enchantment tag and the second boost deflects any enchantment spells back at the caster as long as you have successfully made all saves against the spell first.

Stunning Attack: For the second ability, you can Daze, as per the spell, one living creature with fewer hit dice than you with a successful Spell Attack. You can use this ability a number of times equal to 3 + your Proficiency Score per 24 hours.

Distracting Presence: For the third ability, you emit a 30-foot aura for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Proficiency Score per 24 hours. This aura automatically causes any enemies within it to take disadvantage to all d20 rolls.