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Arcane School: Evocation

The true power of magical force has been your study in the arcane sphere. You gain the following ability each time you take this trait.

Increased Evocation: When first selecting this spell school, you add your Proficiency Score to any damage dealt by spells tagged as evocation. This damage is always the same type as the spell’s original damage and it is added overall, not to individual missiles or rays.

Force Darts: For the second ability, you can, as a single action, send three missiles as per the Magic Missile spell as if with a Level 5 Spell Slot. In every other way, it is treated as per the spell. You can use this a number of times equal to 3 + your Proficiency Score per 24 hours.

Pure Energy Wall: For the third ability, you can as a double action, once per 24 hours, create a wall of energy, either acid, cold, electricity, or fire which lasts a number of rounds equal to your Proficiency Score. It is treated as per the Wall of Fire spell except that it deals the damage type that it is created of. You can choose to boost this ability, each time you do you gain another use per 24 hours.