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The Senses spectrum defines the interaction between two creatures if at least one of them is not easily sensed through sight, sound, smell, or other means. The basic entries along this scale are Seen/Heard, Concealed, Sensed, and Invisible, and more details are presented below.

  • Seen / Heard. Depending on the primary sense of sight or hearing a creature uses, when you are Seen/Heard another creature can tell exactly where you are. There are no benefits or penalties for being Seen/Heard.
  • Concealed. If you have the Concealed condition others know your location but have some slight difficulty targeting you. Those trying to target a Concealed creature take disadvantage to attack rolls.
  • Sensed. If you have the Sensed condition, others may know you are in the area but not where. Those trying to target a Sensed creature must make a Perception check against that creature’s Passive Stealth to locate them or fail to know where they are. If the check is a success, the searching creature can target the Sensed creature, treating them as Concealed instead. If the check fails, the searching creature may still know the Sensed creature is present but cannot pinpoint the location well enough to target the Sensed creature and they continue to treat them as Sensed.
  • Invisible. If you have the Invisible condition, others do not know you are there. Those trying to determine if there is an Invisible creature present must make a disadvantaged Perception check against the Invisible creature’s Passive Stealth. If the check is a success, the searching creature knows the Invisible creature is in the area and the Invisible creature become Sensed to the searching creature. If the check fails, the searching creature is unaware of the Invisible creature’s presence and cannot make another check unless given cause. Such cause for another check, includes someone pointing out an Invisible creature, the Invisible creature creating a disturbance like noise, or the Invisible creature becoming Sensed for another reason.

Since the spectrum only defines the ability for two creatures to interact with each other, a single creature can be treated differently by multiple opponents. For example, an Invisible creature might be invisible to their first opponent while their second opponent succeeded with the Perception check to realize they are present, so the Invisible creature is treated as Sensed to the second opponent. Likewise, if a third opponent not only succeeded the Perception check against the Invisibility but also succeeded the Perception check against the Sensed, the third creature treats the Invisible creature as Concealed and can make attacks against them. So, the Invisible creature is Invisible to the first opponent, Sensed to the second, and Concealed to the third.

There is another facet of the Senses continuum. That is the Blindsense and Blindsight abilities. These are abilities that affect how a creature interacts with the Senses spectrum as outlined below.

Blindsense and Blindsight. If you have Blindsense or Blindsight, you are aware of your surroundings through means such as ground vibrations. A creature with Blindsense treats all creatures within their range as Concealed, even if they normally would be Sensed or Invisible. A creature with Blindsight treats all creatures who are Invisible, Sensed, or Concealed as Seen/Heard. Neither of these negates penalties imposed by the Cover condition.


And what about attacking with Concealed, Sensed, or Invisible Conditions? That depends on which of the three you are considered towards an opponent and what you are doing. When you make a Strike action, you gain the following benefits:

Invisible or Sensed. Attacking a creature which treats you as Invisible or Sensed, you gain advantage on attacks against that creature.

Concealed. Attacking a creature which treats you as Concealed, you gain no benefits to your attacks.

After the Strike:

  • If you were Invisible
    • and attacked from melee, you are considered Concealed after the Strike.
    • and attacked from ranged, your target can make a Perception check as a free action against your Passive Stealth, or another DC if appropriate.
      • If they succeed, they treat you as Sensed.
      • If they fail, they treat you as Invisible.
  • If you were Sensed
    • and attacked from melee, you are considered Seen/Heard unless the cause of your Sensed condition says otherwise.
    • and attacked from ranged, your target can make a Perception check as a free action against your Passive Stealth.
      • If they succeed, they treat you as Concealed.
      • If they fail, they treat you as Sensed.

If you were Concealed and attacked from melee or ranged, you are still considered Concealed unless the source of the condition is removed.