Areas of Attacks
The following shows the various areas of effects made with bursts, cones, and lines. Each visual marks the point of origin of the effect as well as the sizing of it. Each square is a 5-foot by 5-foot cube.
Bursts are massive areas of effects. They radiate outwards from a central source, either at the center of a 5-foot square, such as auras from a creature, or the point at which four corners converge. Bursts are defined by the radius with the most common radii being 30 feet, 20 feet, 10 feet, and 5 feet.
Cones are medium areas of effects. They form the shape of a right triangle emanating from the point of origin. Cones are defined by the height of the triangle, or how far the cone reaches, with the most common heights being 30 feet, 20 feet, 15 feet, and 10 feet.
Lines are precise areas of effects. They follow the most direct and limited line from the point of origin to the furthest distance. Lines are defined by the length of the effect, with the most common lengths being 60 feet, 30 feet, and 20 feet.
Sizes with Reach, Bonuses, and Penalties
Size is labelled with both a name and an area it occupies using 5-foot by 5-foot squares. Reach indicates the area a creature can naturally reach without assistance from equipment or abilities. There are different bonuses or penalties applied to Armor Class associated with each size.
Size Name | Size Area | Reach | AC |
Fine | Less than 6 inches by 6 inches | Within size area | +8 |
Diminutive | 6 inches by 6 inches | Within size area | +4 |
Tiny | 1 foot by 1 foot | Within size area | +2 |
Small | 5 feet by 5 feet (2.5 feet by 2.5 feet) | 5 feet | +1 |
Medium | 5 feet by 5 feet | 5 feet | +0 |
Large | 10 feet by 10 feet | 10 feet | -1 |
Huge | 15 feet by 15 feet | 15 feet | -2 |
Gargantuan | 20 feet by 20 feet | 20 feet | -4 |
Titanic | 25 feet by 25 feet | 25 feet | -6 |
Colossal | 30 feet by 30 feet | 30 feet | -8 |