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Condition: Grabbed

You are held in place, often by another creature.


  • Attacks against you have advantage.

Note: a creature can only inflict this condition if they are at least one size larger than the target. Once this condition is inflicted, the creature causing it must spend one action, without any checks, to maintain this condition.


  • If you attempt a Double or Triple action, a Free action, a Reaction, or an action with the concentrate or manipulate tag, you must succeed a Flat DC 5 check. On a failure, the action is used but the effects are not successful.


  • If you succeed an Acrobatics check, an Athletics check. or another appropriate roll to end this condition. 
  • If another creature succeeds an Athletics check to end this condition.
  • When the duration of the cause ends.
  • When the creature ceases to maintain this condition.