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Spell: Erode ~ Level 2

earth, magical, transmutation

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Area: 10-foot radius burst, to a depth of 4 feet
  • Save: Reflex save; see text

You cause the ground to soften. This turns wet earth into heavy mud, dry earth into sand or dirt, and stone into soft clay. Any ground which is currently under an effect with the magical tag remains unaffected.

If the area turns to heavy mud, any creature that starts it’s turn or moves into the area must make a Reflex save or be inflicted with the Entangled condition where the Hampered condition is increased to Hampered 30 until they leave the area. On a successful save, the creature is still Hampered 10 and treats the area as difficult terrain.

If the area turns to sand or dirt, all creatures treat it as difficult terrain.

If the area turns to soft clay, it can be cut, shaped, and otherwise treated as clay.

A structure affected by this spell might be in danger of collapsing or become weakened depending on the exact area of the structure impacted. The spell permanently changes the ground, so the area does not count as magical from this spell. Erode is on the Primal Spell List.