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Spell: Spirit Guardians ~ Level 3

abjuration, magical [see text]

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Area: 10-foot radius aura
  • Duration: 1 minute per Proficiency Score (C)
  • Save: Will save; see text

You call spirits to protect you. When you cast the spell, you can designate any number of individuals who are unaffected by Spirit Guardians and select the type of damage this spell does: positive or negative. For the duration of the spell, any affected creatures who enter the area take a number of d8s damage equal to your Proficiency Score, depending on their Will saves. On a successful save a creature takes half damage, on a failure a creature takes full damage and is Hampered 10, and on a critical failure a creature takes double damage and is Hampered 20. The damage is the same type as that you selected when you cast the spell and the spell gains the selected tag.

For the duration of Spirit Guardians and for 10 minutes following when the spell ends, your soul cannot be the target of any effect with the death or possession tags. Spirit Guardians is on the Divine Spell List.