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Spell: Tiny Hut ~ Level 3

conjuration, force, magical

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Area: 20-foot radius aura
  • Duration: 2 hours per Proficiency Score (D)

You create an opaque sphere of force around yourself at the limit of the aura. This forms a complete sphere, even if it passes through the ground. For the duration of the spell, you must remain within the sphere or the spell ends, though other creatures can pass through the sphere without effect. Similarly, objects and effects can pass through without hinderance.

Since the sphere is opaque when seen from the outside, all creatures within have the Sensed condition to creatures outside the sphere. From within, the sphere is transparent and does not hamper sight. Within the sphere, the temperature is 70˚F if the outside is between 0˚F and 100˚F. If the outside temperature is beyond that range, it increases or decreases the inside temperature on a degree-to-degree basis. Weather cannot pass through the sphere unless it has the magical tag. You can use a single, Verbal Casting action to illuminate the interior of the sphere or to extinguish the light. Tiny Hut is on the Arcane and Occult Spell Lists.