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Spell: Find the Path ~ Level 4

divination, magical

  • Casting Time: 3 rounds; Somatic and Verbal
  • Range: touch
  • Target: 1 creature
  • Duration: 10 minutes per Proficiency Score

The target knows the most direct route to a specific location determined when the spell is cast. The location must be a stationary area and cannot target a creature or object. If given an option of paths, the target immediately knows which option is the shortest to the location. The spell ends when the target reaches the destination, or the duration expires. Find the Path is on all Spell Lists.

Heighten (+2): Increase the duration.

Level 6 or 7 Spell Slot. Increase the duration to an hour per Proficiency Score.

Level 8 or 9 Spell Slot. Increase the duration to 24 hours.

Level 10 Spell Slot. Increase the duration to indefinite unless the spell is dispelled or until the target reaches the location.