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Spell: Ice Storm ~ Level 4

cold, conjuration, magical

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Range: 200 feet
  • Area: 20-foot radius burst at 40 feet high
  • Duration: 1 round per Proficiency Score (D)
  • Save: Reflex save; see text

Summoning the moisture and dropping the temperatures in a small area, you create an ice storm. When the spell is cast all creatures in the area take a number of d6s bludgeoning damage equal to a quarter of your Proficiency Score and a number of d6s cold damage equal to a quarter of your Proficiency Score depending on their Reflex saves. On a success they take half damage, on a failure they take full damage, and on a critical failure they take double damage. Any creatures that move into the area or begin their turn in the area must also make a Reflex save.

In addition to the damage, all surfaces are covered in ice causing the area to become difficult terrain and increasing any Acrobatics checks by 10. Ice Storm is on the Arcane and Primal Spell Lists.

Heighten (+3):

Level 7, 8, or 9 Spell Slot. Increase the damage to d8s and visibility is also impeded. All creatures within the area have the Concealed condition.

Level 10 Spell Slot. Increase the damage to d10s and visibility is also impeded. All creatures within the area have the Concealed condition.