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Spell: Reincarnate ~ Level 4

magical, transmutation

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes; Material, Somatic, and Verbal
  • Requirements: oils (worth silver of at least the target’s Proficiency Score × 150)
  • Range: touch
  • Target: 1 creature with the Dead condition

You attempt to call forth the dead creature’s soul, requiring part of the creature’s body be present though the condition does not matter. The creature must have died within the past week. If Gaenos has decided that the creature’s time has come or if the creature does not wish to return to life, this spell automatically fails but the oils are not consumed in the casting. A creature with the construct or undead tags, a creature who was killed through an effect with the death tag, or a creature who died of old age cannot be raised.

If the spell is successful, a new body forms for the creature over the course of the hour after the spell is completed. The creature retains all traits of its former life but changes at least one heritage aspect, if not all of them. All conditions that it died with do not affect its new body. It returns with half its Hit Points, no Spell Slots available, no points in any pools. Reincarnate is on the Divine, Occult, and Primal Spell Lists.