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Spell: Repel ~ Level 4

abjuration, magical

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Area: 60-foot line
  • Duration: 1 round per Proficiency Score

When you cast this spell, select a type of material such as metal, stone, or wood, this spell affects the selected material in the area. All selected material is altered as determined by its size and position.

If the material is not affixed to anything, such as a held item, a loosely worn item, or an unattended item, it is pushed backwards along the 60-foot line at a rate of 40 feet per round on your turn without exception. Held items can be dropped and worn items can be removed with a single or double action, depending on the item itself. If an item is braced to prevent it from being pushed, it splinters.

If the object is fixed, such as bolted, sewn, pinned, or otherwise mechanically held fast, it depends on the materials size. If the fixed material is three inches or smaller across all dimensions, it breaks away from whatever holds it. An item, with or without the magical tag, broken in this manner loses its abilities. If the fixed material is larger than three inches in any one dimension, it is not affected.

The 60-foot line is determined when the spell is cast and does not change if you move. Repel is on the Primal Spell List.