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Spell: Atonement ~ Level 5

abjuration, enchantment, magical

  • Casting Time: 1 hour; Material, Somatic, and Verbal
  • Requirements: incense (worth 200 silver)
  • Range: touch
  • Target: 1 living, willing creature

This spell has one of two effects: it can replace the actions needed to regain the Devout Follower, Green Faith, or Patron traits or reduce the full year penance; or be used to immediately change an alignment.

If this spell is used to reinstate either the Devout Follower, Green Faith, or Patron traits, the target must be fully repentant of whatever actions caused them to lose access to the traits in the first place. If the target is true in their intensions, this spell reduces any limit time barring access to the traits immediately and replaces the necessary 24 hours spent in supplication. Thus, Atonement immediately grants access to the lost traits.

If this spell is used to change the targets alignment, it is immediately successful. Any traits that relied on the target’s previous alignment before Atonement are lost or altered to the target’s new alignment. If the spell reinstates an alignment the target had previously, the target regains any traits related to their regained alignment. Atonement is on the Divine, Occult, and Primal Spell Lists.