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Spell: Transmute ~ Level 5

earth, magical, transmutation

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Range: 200 feet
  • Area: 10-foot squares per Proficiency Score
  • Duration: indefinite
  • Save: Reflex save; see text

The area you select must either be primarily mud, quicksand, or rock. Depending on what the area is made of the effects of Transmute are as follows:

  • Mud or Quicksand. The area turns to soft stone. If a creature is in the mud when the spell is cast, they must make a Reflex save or get caught in the stone which inflicts the Grabbed condition and prevents the creature from moving. A creature who moves into the area after the spell has been cast, can stand on the stone with no difficulty.
  • Rock. The area turns to mud. If a creature is standing on the rock when the spell is cast, they must make a Reflex save or sink into the mud which inflicts the Hampered 20 condition. If cast on a ceiling of rock, the mud drops to the floor and deals a number of d8s bludgeoning damage equal to a quarter of your Proficiency Score to any creatures directly underneath who fail a Reflex save. Creatures who fail the Reflex save to avoid the falling mud are inflicted with the Hampered 5 condition. If the spell is cast on stone which provides support to a structure, it might cause the structure to start collapsing.

Transmute is on the Arcane and Primal Spell Lists.

Heighten (+2): Using a Level 7 Spell Slot and higher, you can transmute Metal to Wood.

  • Metal. All metal in the area becomes wood. All objects made completely or mostly of wood lose the Durable tag, if applicable, and gain the Flammable tag. The object’s Hardness is reduced by 7 and its Toughness Score is reduced by 3 per inch. Armor affected by this spell reduces its Bonus by 1. A weapon affected by this spell reduces its damage by half its damage dice, to a minimum of one die. If the metal is under a great deal of compression or tension, there is an 80% chance that the wood it becomes shatters and deals a number of d4s piercing damage equal to a quarter of your Proficiency Score to all creatures within 10 feet of the wood.