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Spell: Crown of Stars ~ Level 7

evocation, force, magical, positive

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Duration: 10 minutes per Proficiency Score

You create a number of star-like motes equal to half your Proficiency Score that hover around your head for the duration of the spell or until you use them. These motes cause light that cannot be extinguished except through dispelling this spell. If there are four or more motes, they cast bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for another 30 feet beyond. If there is at least one mote, it casts dim light in a 30-foot radius.

As a single action you can make a Spell Attack by sending a mote towards a creature or object within 120 feet. On a hit, the target takes a number of d12s damage equal to half your Proficiency Score. This damage has the force or positive tag, whichever bypasses immunities and resistances. Crown of Stars is on the Divine and Occult Spell Lists.