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Spell: Eclipse Burst ~ Level 7

cold, darkness, illusion, magical, necromancy, negative

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Range: 500 feet
  • Area: 30-foot radius burst
  • Save: Reflex save

You send a tiny sphere of pure energy that bursts and deals a number of d6s cold damage equal to a quarter of your Proficiency Score and a number of d6s negative damage equal to a quarter of your Proficiency Score. A creature in the area must make a Reflex save. On a success the creature takes half damage, on a failure the creature takes full damage, and on a critical failure the creature takes double damage and is inflicted with the Blinded condition until it next regains Hit Points. This spell attempts to dispel any magical light source in the area and automatically extinguishes non-magical light sources. Eclipse Burst is on the Arcane and Divine Spell Lists.