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Spell: Sunbeam ~ Level 7

evocation, light, magical, visual

  • Casting Time: 2 actions; Somatic and Verbal
  • Area: 60-foot line
  • Duration: 1 round per Proficiency Score (D); see text
  • Save: Reflex save

When you first cast this spell and each round afterwards, for the duration of Sunbeam or until you have used all the beams, as a single action use a beam of sunlight to deal damage to creatures in the area. You can use a number of beams equal to half your Proficiency Score. Each creature in the area takes a number of d6s damage equal to your Proficiency Score and is inflicted with the Blinded condition depending on their Reflex save. On a success a creature only takes half damage, on a failure a creature takes full damage and gains the Blinded condition for the duration of the spell, and on a critical failure a creature takes double damage and is inflicted with the Blinded condition for an hour. The damage is untagged.

A creature immune to effects with the visual tag is immune to the effects of Sunbeam with the exception of having the Blinded condition from a casting of Sunbeam. A creature with the undead tag takes a number of d6s damage equal to your Proficiency Score. Fungi, mold, oozes, slimes, and the like are treated as if they have the undead tag when subject to this spell. If the beam passes through an area of darkness with the magical tag or affects a creature affected by darkness with the magical tag, Sunbeam attempts to dispel the darkness effect. Sunbeam is on the Primal Spell List.