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Alchemical Items

Alchemical items range the spectrum from beneficial alteration to damaging substance. Most of these are divided into one of three types, distinguished in their tags. The first, elixirs, are beneficial substances which enhance certain abilities, depending on the elixir. The second are a special type of elixirs, called mutagens, which create a trade off by increasing more abilities while negatively impacting others. Finally, bombs, are thrown substances that create detrimental effects on impact with a solid surface. Among many alchemical substances, there are varying levels of worth, ranging from Minor and Lesser, to Basic, to Greater and True. These have matching price tags and abilities.

Price is the amount, in silver pieces, that the alchemical item is worth.

Rarity is how common an item is which relates to how easy it is to acquire the item, see Chapter XVII, Equipment Rules.

Bulk is the weight of the item. If there is an ‘L,’ the item in question is considered of ‘Light’ weight, where ten light weight objects add up to 1 Bulk.

Wielding indicates the number of hands you need available to use the item. This means if you are using an item with 1 in this entry, you must have one hand holding the item and are therefore not able to use it for other actions. If the item has a 2 for the wielding entry it means you are using both your hands to use the item and you do not have a free hand for other actions.

Alchemical Tags are used to mark particular qualities of the item. The following is a description of the qualities that each tag imparts to the substance.

  • Acid. This item includes acidic substances that cause this item to count as acid for the purpose of effects.
  • Bomb. This item deals damage when it impacts against a solid surface. An item with this tag can be thrown as a Ranged Attack with a Simple Ranged Weapon against a target within 30 feet. On a successful hit, the item acts normally against the target. On a failed hit, determine where the item lands randomly and have the effects follow as normal.
  • Cold. This item includes ice or freezing contents that cause this item to count as cold for the purpose of effects.
  • Consumable. This item is a one-time use and cannot be recovered once expended.
  • Electricity. This item includes electrical components that cause this item to count as electricity for the purpose of effects.
  • Elixir. This item is drunk for the imbiber to gain its effects.
  • Fire. This item includes fire or flammable substances that cause this item to count as fire for the purpose of effects.
  • Illusion. This item creates or causes effects that trick sensory input.
  • Light. This item creates light.
  • Mutagen. This item physically and psychically alters the imbiber. While it is a type of elixir, mutagens are unique in their trade of drawbacks for benefits.
  • Polymorph. This item alters the imbiber’s physical or psychic abilities. You can have only one effect with the polymorph tag active at a time.
  • Sonic. This item includes sound-based elements that cause this item to count as sonic for the purpose of effects.
  • Splash. When used, this item effects nearby creatures. Unless otherwise listed, a splash effects creatures within 5 feet outside the listed area of the item. For example, an alchemist’s fire effects a 5-foot burst and the splash effects creatures outside the 5-foot burst but within 10 feet from the alchemist’s fire.
  • Visual. This item has sight-based effects.


Alchemical ItemsPriceRarityBulkWieldingTag
Acid FlaskLesser10 silversCommonL1acid, bomb, consumable, splash
Basic25 silversCommon
Greater50 silversUncommon
True90 silversUncommon
Alchemist’s FireLesser10 silversCommonL1bomb, consumable, fire, splash
Basic20 silversCommon
Greater40 silversCommon
True70 silversUncommon
AntidoteLesser10 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir
Basic45 silversCommon
Greater150 silversUncommon
True500 silversUncommon
AntiplaugeLesser10 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir
Basic40 silversCommon
Greater125 silversUncommon
True400 silversUncommon
Bestial MutagenLesser20 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, mutagen, polymorph
Basic40 silversCommon
Greater90 silversUncommon
True200 silversUncommon
Bomber’s Eye Elixir10 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir
Bottled LightningLesser10 silversCommonL1bomb, consumable, electricity, splash
Basic25 silversCommon
Greater50 silversUncommon
True90 silversUncommon
Bravo’s Brew30 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir
Cat’s Eye Elixir45 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir
Cheetah’s Elixir10 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir
Congnitive MutagenLesser20 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, mutagen, polymorph
Basic40 silversCommon
Greater90 silversUncommon
True200 silversUncommon
Comprehension ElixirBasic10 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir
Greater40 silversCommon
Dark Vision ElixirBasic10 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir
Greater30 silversCommon
True60 silversUncommon
Eagle’s Eye Elixir20 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir
Elixir of Hiding25 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, illusion, visual
Elixir of LifeMinor10 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, healing
Lesser40 silversCommon
Basic150 silversUncommon
Greater700 silversUncommon
True1500 silversUncommon
Elixir of RejuvenationArtifactL1consumable, elixir
Infiltrator’s Elixir20 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, polymorph
Juggernaut MutagenLesser20 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, mutagen, polymorph
Basic40 silversCommon
Greater90 silversUncommon
True200 silversUncommon
Leaper’s Elixir5 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir
Liquid IceLesser10 silversCommonL1bomb, cold, consumable, splash
Basic25 silversCommon
Greater50 silversUncommon
True90 silversUncommon
Mistform Elixir15 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, illusion, visual
Philosopher’s StoneArtifact22consumable
Quicksilver MutagenLesser20 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, mutagen, polymorph
Basic40 silversCommon
Greater90 silversUncommon
True200 silversUncommon
Salamander Elixir20 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir
Sea Touch ElixirBasic40 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, polymorph
Greater100 silversUncommon
True300 silversUncommon
Serene MutagenLesser20 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, mutagen, polymorph
Basic40 silversCommon
Greater90 silversUncommon
True200 silversUncommon
Silversheen20 silversCommonL1consumable
Silvertongue MutagenLesser20 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, mutagen, polymorph
Basic40 silversCommon
Greater90 silversUncommon
True200 silversUncommon
SmokestickBasic7 silversCommonL1consumable
Greater20 silversCommon
Stone Fist Elixir30 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir, polymorph
Sunrod60 silversUncommonL1consumable, light
Tanglefoot BagLesser10 silversCommonL1bomb, consumable
Basic30 silversCommon
Greater70 silversUncommon
True130 silversUncommon
ThunderstoneLesser10 silversCommonL1bomb, consumable, sonic, splash
Basic25 silversCommon
Greater50 silversUncommon
True90 silversUncommon
Tinder Twig2 silversCommonL1consumable, fire
Winter Wolf Elixir20 silversCommonL1consumable, elixir

Fantasy Extension

Alchemical ItemsPriceRarityBulkWieldingTag
Delayed ExplosiveLesser15 silversCommonL2bomb, consumable, fire, splash
Basic40 silversCommon
Greater90 silversUncommon
True170 silversUncommon
Force BubbleLesser10 silversCommonL1bomb, consumable, force, splash
Basic25 silversCommon
Greater50 silversUncommon
True90 silversUncommon
Inferno Smoke BombLesser40 silversCommonL1bomb, consumable, fire
Basic90 silversUncommon
Greater190 silversUncommon
Reactive Agent100 silversUncommonL2consumable
Smoke BombLesser25 silversCommonL1bomb, consumable
Basic40 silversUncommon
Greater60 silversUncommon
Stinking DustLesser10 silversCommonL1bomb, consumable
Basic25 silversCommon
Greater55 silversUncommon
True90 silversUncommon